Observations: 591 Variables: 26 20 Jul 2018 12:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fis_id str13 %13s Unique Facility ID cyc float %9.0g Mentoring week for the facility round double %8.0g Rounds 1-4 totbirth float %9.0g Total birth for the mentoring cycle pph float %9.0g Postpartum hemorrhage cases for the mentoring cycle nr float %9.0g Neonatal resuscitation cases for the mentoring cycle days_cycle byte %10.0g (max) days_cycle pph_prop float %9.0g Proportion of PPH nr_prop float %9.0g Proportion of NR doc_present float %9.0g Doctor in the facility for the cycle mpropatt double %10.0g Attendance of mentee-sessions rescale_intra float %9.0g Rescaled intrapartum score rescale_newborn float %9.0g Rescaled newborn score maternalsimc float %9.0g Total maternal sims performed by the facility neonatalsimc float %9.0g Total neonatal sims performed by the facility matsim3defc byte %8.0g 3 quantiles of maternalsimc neonatsim3defc byte %8.0g 3 quantiles of neonatalsimc total_tc float %9.0g Total T&C performed by facilities tc_ter byte %8.0g 3 quantiles of total_tc fluid float %9.0g Fluids given to PPH cases uterot float %9.0g Uterotonic given to PPH cases resusc float %9.0g Resuscitation given to asphyxia cases rwarmer