Theoretical study of anticancer activity of glycoside amides
anticancer activity of glycoside amides .::. timeline of idea development (
This book is a long-term study and analysis presented in a more scientifically popular form. The matter is presented in a freer way in order to explain the matter.
First goal: A study of what exactly is the reason for the long-term use of toxic amygdalin in the social group
Annotation to the realization of the objective: By making a precise socio-anthropological analysis of the life of the ancient people of Botra (Hunza people, Burusho / Brusho people), we come to the hypothesis, which is confirmed by two proofs, through a number of modern quantum-mechanical, molecular-topological and bio-analytical checks. A convenient, harmless, form of amygdalin derivative is available that has the same biological and chemical activity and could be used in conservative clinical oncology. The article also presents a theoretical comparative analysis of biochemical reactivity in in vivo and in vitro media, by which we also determine the recommended dosage for patient administration. Based on a comparative analysis of the data, obtained in published clinical studies of amygdalin, is presented and summarized a scheme of the anti-tumor activity
Presentation and scientific popularization of the results: some of the conducted researches are published in the format of an article - Theoretical Analysis for the Safe Form and Dosage of Amygdalin Product .
Second goal: Analysis of molecules forming activity in the environment around the cancer cell and their ability to cross the cell membrane
Annotation to the realization of the objective: This scientific analysis is a continuation of the first goal (§I.1.). The hypothesis that hydrolyzed to amine/carboxylic acid cyano/nitrile glycosides are a potential anticancer drug has been proposed and theoretically confirmed there. Their biological activity remains unchanged directly from the natural compounds of this group, but their toxicity is many times lower than unmodified native molecules. After defining the chemical formula and determining the pharmaceutical form and dosage, most active groups are also identified, which directly determines their biological activity.
Presentation and scientific popularization of the results some of the conducted researches are published in the format of an article - Theoretical Study of the Process of Passage of Glycoside Amides through the Cell Membrane of Cancer Cell .
Third goal: Analysis of models for evaluation of the offered pharmaceutical forms
Annotation to the realization of the objective: The pharmaceutical form allows deviation from the chemically pure substance. This is a convenient and at the same time affordable (from a financial and / or technological point of view) form of admission by patients. It is not necessary to use an "ideal" pure active substance (including a specific isomeric form). Due to the wide variety of natural glucosamide nitriles (starting material for the production of amide / carboxylic acid), modern pharmacology allows their combined use by chemical nature and concentration of the active form passing through the cell membrane.
Methodology: A comparative analysis is performed based on stoichiometric calculations for the concentration of the active form and the prediction of bioactivity. For this purpose, the following methodology is used: Analysis of data on the active molecular form of anticancer cells and determination of the drug dose.
Presentation and scientific popularization of the results: some of the conducted researches are published in the format of an article - Theoretical analysis of anticancer cellular effects of glycoside amides .
Fourth goal: Interpretable prediction for anticancer sensitivity of glycoside amides
Annotation to the realization of the objective: This goal is a natural continuation of the hypothesis that the bioactive form of natural nitrile glycosides is due to a hydrolyzed to amide molecule. As a secondary hydrolysis, one proceeds to the carboxylic acid, which was subsequently specified to be necessary for subsequent biochemical processes. Her didactic proof defines, etc. active anti-cancer molecular forms. Subsequent calculations illustrate biochemically the passage of these active forms across the cell membrane of a cancer cell. For the transition from chemical to pharmaceutical form, dozens of indicators characterizing per oral drugs were analyzed.
The main research challenge is to create a sufficiently adapted methodological scheme and at the same time to maintain the general conservatism of good oncological medical practices.
Methodology: The current methodological program relies on a comparative analysis of non-identical variables. In one case it values the IC50, and in the other pharmacokinetic and druglikeness indicators of potential oral dosage forms.
In order to minimize the dualism in the interpretation, conditionally postulate some of the allowable values that would be reflected in the processing of a sample of data from the general population.
With the present scientific work we have tried to present in a more generalized form our long-term theoretical research. We tried to draw every value, every dependence and every conclusion precisely, in a form that is not subject to any personal view and/or to be enslaved to a generally "accepted" opinion.
Natural nitrile glycosides would not cross the tumor cell membrane. They decompose to HCN-acid, phenyl methanol and carbohydrate. They do NOT have antitumor activity due to their inability to reach the target unchanged. These compounds, in their natural form, are extremely toxic to the human body. Applying them is not a cure, even at higher concentrations they do more harm than good. Theoretically, we have derived dozens of their modified forms, but their amides and carboxylic acids are the most promising for their introduction in conservative oncology. The fact is that the tumor cell itself is trying to counteract in a way that is quite safe for it.
The knowledge that humanity has gained from the millennial battle between it and tumors, combined with the development of mathematics, statistical and quantum molecular thermodynamics, molecular topology and geometry, clinical oncology, pathophysiology, etc., with the unequivocal contribution of thousands of scientists, we tried to we present this thesis as a sentence and the most modest way to try to confirm and prove it.
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