111. Anteon sabahnum Olmi, 1998

(Plate 42D, E)

Anteon sabahnum Olmi 1998a: 53.

Description of Male. Fully winged; length 2.2–3.3 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna testaceous; mesosoma black; metasoma brown; legs testaceous. Antenna filiform; antennal segments in following proportions: 13:7:8:7.5:7:7.5:7:7:7:10. Head shiny, strongly punctate, unsculptured among punctures; frontal line complete; POL = 7.5; OL = 3.5; OOL = 8; OPL = 6; TL = 5; occipital carina complete. In specimen from Brunei, 04°34'N 115°07'E, face and vertex sculptured by deep punctures similar to areolae. Scutum, scutellum and metanotum shiny, finely punctate, unsculptured among punctures. Notauli incomplete, reaching approximately 0.7 length of scutum. Propodeum reticulate rugose, with strong transverse keel between dorsal and posterior surface; posterior surface with two complete longitudinal keels, lateral areas smooth, shiny, almost completely unsculptured, and median area shiny, smooth, unsculptured. Fore wing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; distal part of stigmal vein shorter than proximal part (5:15). Paramere (Plate 42E) with inner side of distal apex with numerous papillae and with inner expansion showing a mosaic drawing. In specimen from Brunei, 04°34'N 115°07'E, paramere with long longitudinal inner fold provided of mosaic drawing (Plate 42D). Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Female. Unknown.

Material examined. Types: holotype ♂: MALAYSIA: Sabah, Danum Valley Field Camp, c. 140 m, 24.II–24.III.1987, WON1, Malaise trap 13, C. van Achterberg leg., RMNH '87 (RNHL). Paratypes: same locality label as holotype, c. 150 m, 24.II–18.III.1987, WO, Malaise trap 11, C. van Achterberg leg., 1♂ (RNHL); same locality label as holotype, 19.IV–22.V.1988, WONO, Malaise trap 5, RMNH '89, C. van Achterberg & T. Burghouts leg., 1♂ (AMNH). Other material. BRUNEI: Temburong District, Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, 04°34'N 115°07'E, 18.V.1991, Malaise trap, N. Mawdsley leg., 1♂ (BMNH). MALAYSIA: Sabah, same locality label as holotype, 20.X–22.XI.1987, 1♂ (RNHL).

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Malaysia (Sabah), Brunei (Temburong).