Contectiana contecta (Millet, 1813) (fig. 3, 2)

D i s t r i b u t i o n. The species inhabits the waters of almost all Europe, excepting its northern and southern regions, from the south of England to the Urals and penetrates to the south of Western Siberia to the right bank of the Ob River (Anistratenko et al., 2014). In Ukraine C. contecta lives in rivers, lakes and ponds up to small permanent waterbodies of all natural regions, including the Crimea (Anistratenko, Chernogorenko, 1989; Anistratenko, Anistratenko, 2001). In the Transcarpathia its populations are rarely occurred (Zdun, 1960; Stadnichenko, Gyrin, 2011 b; Anistratenko et al., 2018) in the lowland area. We only recorded this species in 2 localities: 13 and 15 (fig. 1, table 1).

Remarks. In the Transcarpathian Region C. contecta inhabits shallow, slowly current or stagnant, even artificial, mostly warm (up to 25.6 °С) waters. In the locality 13 molluscs were found on the macrophytes.