Cheilosia (Eucartosyrphus) scutellata (Fallén, 1817) (fig. 3, g–i)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Iran: East Azarbaijan Province, Qaradagh forests, 38°55.601´N, 46°46.932´E, 1313 m, 05.07.2011, 1 Ơ; Mazandaran Province, Eshkatechal, 36°40.52´N, 51°12.51´E, 1200 m, 27.08.2005, 1 Ơ; (S. Khaghaninia, E. Gilasian).

D i s t r i b u t i o n. From Fennoscandia southwards to Iberian Peninsula and round the Mediterranean to Greece, Turkey and N Africa; from Ireland eastwards through Eurasia to the Pacific coast; Iran (Gilasian, 2005).

D i a g n o s t i c c h a r a c t e r s. Eye bare; antennal sockets non-separated, anterior process of lunule not fused with dorsal part of face, third segment of antenna brownishblack (fig. 3, h); face without hairs (microtrichia not taken into account); median facial tubercle wide, occupying face from margin to margin in dorsal view; at least mid tibia in basal 1/3 and first segment of mid tarsus yellow dorsally, or 2nd–4th segments of fore and mid tarsi distinctly paler than others (fig. 3, g); male genitalia as in (fig. 3, i).