Pl. III, fig. 26
1927. Truncatulina vulgaris PLUMMER, p. 145, pl. 10, fig. 3; pl. 3, fig. 15.
1986. Cibicidoides vulgaris (PLUMMER).- ANAN & HEWAIDY, p. 20, pl. 3, fig. 15.
Remarks: This species is easily distinguished by the elevated sutures and coarsely perforated wall.
Stratigraphic distribution: This species is not present in South or North Africa as recorded by BERGGREN & AUBERT (1965). ANAN (1986) mentioned its occurrence in the Early and Middle Paleocene rocks in Gebel Ghanima, G. Teir/Tarawan and G. Dandara in Egypt. The author notes its presence in the Lower Paleocene (Esna Shale) sediments of the Esh El Mallaha area.