Data for Egeland TB, Egeland ES and Nordeide JT. "Does egg carotenoid improve larval quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)?", Ecology and Evolution. Correspondence: Torvald B. Egeland Faculty of Education and Arts Nord University Files are saved as tab-delimited .txt files. The Length_Larvae file gives the data used to measure the effect of; carotenoids in eggs, red intensity of eggs, the condition factor and red intensity of the abdomen the on length of the larvae. Each row donates one cup of eggs. The column headings are defined as follows: Female: Female ID (Factor) Male: Male ID (Factor) Replikat: Replicate (1 or 2) Tank: Tank ID (1 or 2) IR_Abdomen: Red intensity of the female abdomen IR_eggs: Red intensity of the eggs K_rel: Condition factor of the female Length_larvae: The length of the larvae (cm) Carotenoids_HPLC: Total mass of carotenoids in eggs (ng/egg)