Competitive ability depends on mating system and ploidy level across Capsella species. Orsucci et al. Annals Of Botany 2022 There are three datasets corresponding to this article. 1) GreenHouse_2017_data.csv Competition experiment in green house conditions. - accession: internal code for the "accession" (seeds from a single individual collected in the field) - species: Cbp: C. bursa-pastoris, Cg: C. grandiflora, Co: C. orientalis, Cr: C. rubella - population: population name for Cbp: ASI: Asia, EU: Europe, ME: Middle-east, for other species there is no population attribution so the species code is used - treatment: competition or alone - block: block number - survival: 1: alive, 0: dead - flowering: 1: flowered, 0: did not flower - flowernumber: total number of flowers of the individual - alphaflowernumber: competition index for flower number: number of flowers of the individual divided by the number of flowers of the control individual: same accession in the same block grown alone - germinationrate: germination rate of the accession measured before the experiment, so the same for all treatments and blocks. - squarediameter1: product of the largest and smallest diameters of the rosette at time t1 - squarediameter2: product of the largest and smallest diameters of the rosette at time t2 - alphadiameter1: competition index for square diameter 1 (computed as for flower number) - alphadiameter2: competition index for square diameter 2 (computed as for flower number) - squaregrowthrate: (squarediameter2 - squarediameter1)/squarediameter1 - alphagrowthrate: competition index for growth rate (computed as for flower number) 2) Field_Greece_2018_data.csv Competition experiment in field conditions in Greece - ID: Full individual code: Species_Accession_Individual - Species: Cbp: C. bursa-pastoris, Cg: C. grandiflora, Co: C. orientalis, Cr: C. rubella - Acc_ID: accession code in the field - Ind_ID: individual code in the field - RepSystem: reproductive system: selfer or outcrosser - Ploidy: ploidy level: diploid or tetraploid - Line: line number in the field - Plot_number: plot number in the field - Competitor: undistrubed (natural competitors), disturbed (competitors removed) - Origin: geographic origin: ASI: Asia, EU: Europe, ME: Middle-east - Germination_date_average: date of germination - Transplant_date: date of transplantation in the field - Death_date: date of death - Flowering_date: date of flowering start - Stems_Nb: number of stems - Fruits_nb: number of fruits - Diameter: rosette diameter - Lifespan: life span in days - Flowering_start_transplant: flowering start in number of days after transplantation - Flowering_start_germination: flowering start in number of days after germination - Inflorescence_damage: 1: observed damages, 0: no damage - Stress: 1: observed stress on the plant, 1: no stress observed - Ants: 1: presence of ants, 0: absence - Aphids: 1: presence of aphids, 0: absence - General Stress: 1: stress or ants or aphids, 0: nothing 3) Germinartion_rate_data.csv Germination rates measured on the seeds collected on the plant of the field experiment. Green house experiment. - Species: Cbp: C. bursa-pastoris, Cg: C. grandiflora, Co: C. orientalis, Cr: C. rubella - Acc: accession code in the field - ID: Full individual code: Species_Accession_Individual - Nb_seeds: number of seeds used in the experiment - Nb_seedlings: number of seedlings - Nb_noGermination: number of non-germinated seeds (= Nb_seeds - Nb_seedlings) - Sowing_Date: date of sowing - Germination_Date: date of first germination - Plate: plate number in the experiment - Position: position in the experimental setting - Germination_Rate: germination rate (= Nb_seedlings/Nb_seeds) - Germination_Time: time to germination (= Germination_Date - Sowing_Date) - Area: geographic origin: ASI: Asia, EU: Europe, ME: Middle-east - Competitor: undistrubed (natural competitors), disturbed (competitors removed)