{ "name": "sdd_2018-2019", "title": "Student activity in Biological Data Science Courses at UMONS in 2018-2019", "description": "The grade for each exercise of each student in the biological data science course at the University of Mons in Belgium during the academic year 2018-2019. The data are anonymised.", "homepage": "https://wp.sciviews.org", "version": "1.0.0", "id": "sdd_2018-2019", "profile": "tabular-data-package", "contributors": [ { "title": "Philippe Grosjean", "path": "", "email": "philippe.grosjean@umons.ac.be", "role": "maintainer", "organization": "UMONS" }, { "title": "Philippe Grosjean", "path": "", "email": "philippe.grosjean@umons.ac.be", "role": "author", "organization": "UMONS" }, { "title": "Guyliann Engels", "path": "", "email": "guyliann.engels@umons.ac.be", "role": "author", "organization": "UMONS" } ], "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "resources": [ { "name": "assessment", "title": "Assessment", "description": "The grade assigned to each exercise per user in the biological data science courses at UMONS.", "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "path": "assessment.csv", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "dialect": { "caseSensitiveHeader": false, "delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "header": true, "lineTerminator": "\n", "quoteChar": "\"", "skipInitialSpace": true }, "primaryKeys": [ "user" ], "foreignKeys": [], "isTableLocked": false, "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "user", "title": "User identifier", "description": "The random identifier attributed to the user (pseudonymisation/anonymisation)", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "biometry", "title": "Grade for the biometry project", "description": "The grade obtained for the project on human biometrics.", "type": "number", "format": "default", "decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "bareNumber": true }, { "name": "coral", "title": "Grade for the coral project", "description": "The grade obtained for the project on the coral growth.", "type": "number", "format": "default", "decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "bareNumber": true }, { "name": "exam", "title": "Final exam grade", "description": "The final exam grade.", "type": "number", "format": "default", "decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "bareNumber": true }, { "name": "course", "title": "Course code", "description": "The course code given by the institution", "type": "string", "format": "default" } ], "missingValues": [ "" ], "primaryKey": [ "user" ] } }, { "name": "courses", "title": "General information on the courses", "description": "The general information on the biological data science courses at UMONS.", "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "path": "courses.csv", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "dialect": { "caseSensitiveHeader": false, "delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "header": true, "lineTerminator": "\n", "quoteChar": "\"", "skipInitialSpace": true }, "primaryKeys": [ "icourse" ], "foreignKeys": [], "isTableLocked": false, "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "course", "title": "Internal identifier of educational components", "description": "The letter to identify the educational components. One educational components can be may contain one or more teaching activity (also named course).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "icourse", "title": "Course code", "description": "The course code given by the institution", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "institution", "title": "Institution", "description": "The short name of the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "ictitle", "title": "Course name", "description": "The name of the course (also named teaching activity) given by the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "name", "title": "name of the educational components", "description": "The name of the educational components.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "class", "title": "Regular students' class", "description": "The name of the class of regular students.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "modules", "title": "Chapter/module of the course (teaching activity)", "description": "The chapters/modules of the course (also named teaching activity) separated by a +.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "staff", "title": "Teaching staff", "description": "The teaching staff of a course (teaching activity). If the teaching staff has several users, they are separated by a +", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "acad_year", "title": "Academic year", "description": "The academic year.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "term", "title": "Part of an academic year", "description": "One of the parts of the academic year (Q1, Q2 and Q3). If the course is given over several terms, they are separated by a +.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "term2", "title": "Part of an academic year for the second session", "description": "The part of an academic year for the second session.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "start", "title": "Start time of the course", "description": "The start time of the course. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "end", "title": "End time of the course", "description": "The end time of the course. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "url_description", "title": "Official description of course/teaching activity at UMONS.", "description": "The official description of course/teaching activity at UMONS.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "url_course", "title": "Course URL", "description": "The course link with all the resources used in the course.", "type": "string", "format": "default" } ], "missingValues": [ "" ], "primaryKey": [ "icourse" ] } }, { "name": "lessons", "title": "Schedule of lessons", "description": "Schedule of lessons by the academic year for the biological data science courses at UMONS.", "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "path": "lessons.csv", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "dialect": { "caseSensitiveHeader": false, "delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "header": true, "lineTerminator": "\n", "quoteChar": "\"", "skipInitialSpace": true }, "primaryKeys": [], "foreignKeys": [], "isTableLocked": false, "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "course", "title": "Internal identifier of educational components", "description": "The letter to identify the educational components. One educational components can be may contain one or more teaching activity (also named course).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "icourse", "title": "Course code", "description": "The course code given by the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "institution", "title": "Institution", "description": "The short name of the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "acad_year", "title": "Academic year", "description": "The academic year.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "term", "title": "Part of an academic year", "description": "One of the parts of the academic year (Q1, Q2 and Q3).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "topic", "title": "Topic of the lesson", "description": "The topic of the lesson.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "modules", "title": "Chapter/module of the course", "description": "The chapter/module of the course.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "type", "title": "Type of the lesson", "description": "The type of lesson could be distance learning (distance) or face-to-face learning (face-to-face).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "day", "title": "Day of the lesson", "description": "The day of the lesson.", "type": "date", "format": "default" }, { "name": "start_localtime", "title": "Local start time of the lesson", "description": "The local start time of the lesson.", "type": "time", "format": "default" }, { "name": "end_localtime", "title": "Local end time of the lesson", "description": "The local end time of the lesson.", "type": "time", "format": "default" }, { "name": "timezone", "title": "Time zone", "description": "The time zone of the lesson.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "preparation", "title": "Start time of the preparation of the lesson", "description": "The start time of the preparation of the lesson. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "start", "title": "Start time of the lesson", "description": "The start time of the lesson. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "end", "title": "End time of the lesson", "description": "The end time of the lesson. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "completion", "title": "Recommended deadline to completing the lesson's exercices", "description": "The recommended deadline to completing the lesson's exercices. The UTC is used.", "type": "datetime", "format": "default" }, { "name": "deadline", "title": "deadline to completing the lesson's exercices", "description": "The deadline to completing the lesson's exercices. The UTC is used.", "type": "string", "format": "default" } ], "missingValues": [ "" ], "primaryKey": [] } }, { "name": "projects", "title": "GitHub projects", "description": "General information on the project for the biological data science courses at UMONS.", "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "path": "projects.csv", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "dialect": { "caseSensitiveHeader": false, "delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "header": true, "lineTerminator": "\n", "quoteChar": "\"", "skipInitialSpace": true }, "primaryKeys": [ "app" ], "foreignKeys": [], "isTableLocked": false, "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "app", "title": "Application", "description": "The name of the application, like A01Ia_20M_name where\n- 'A' is the course (A = first, B = second, etc)\n- '01' is the chapter/module of the course\n- 'I' is the type of application (I = individual project, G = group project, C = challenge, ...)\n- 'a' is a letter to differentiate similar applications\n-'20' is the first year of academic year\n-'M' is a short name for the institution (M = Mons, C = Charleroi,...).", "type": "string", "format": "default", "constraints": { "required": true } }, { "name": "type", "title": "Type of event", "description": "The type of event could be individual project (ind. github), group project (group github) and challenge project (challenge).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "icourse", "title": "Course code", "description": "The course code given by the institution", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "course", "title": "Internal identifier of educational components", "description": "A letter to identify the educational components. One educational components can be may contain one or more teaching activity (also named course).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "acad_year", "title": "Academic year", "description": "The academic year.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "term", "title": "Part of an academic year", "description": "One of the parts of the academic year (Q1, Q2 and Q3).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "modules", "title": "Chapter/module of the course", "description": "The chapter/module of the course. If the project is carried out on several modules, a list of the modules is proposed separated by +.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "assignment", "title": "Public assignment template", "description": "The assignment template hosted on GitHub in BioDataScience-Course oranisation.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "template", "title": "URL of assignment template", "description": "The URL of the public assignment template hosted on GitHub in BioDataScience-Course oranisation.", "type": "string", "format": "default" } ], "missingValues": [ "" ], "primaryKey": [ "app" ] } }, { "name": "users", "title": "Users", "description": "General information of users for the biological data science courses at UMONS", "licenses": [ { "name": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "title": "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" } ], "path": "users.csv", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "dialect": { "caseSensitiveHeader": false, "delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "header": true, "lineTerminator": "\n", "quoteChar": "\"", "skipInitialSpace": true }, "primaryKeys": [ "user" ], "foreignKeys": [], "isTableLocked": false, "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "user", "title": "User identifier", "description": "The random identifier attributed to the user (pseudonymisation/anonymisation)", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "institution", "title": "Institution", "description": "The short name of the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "icourse", "title": "Course code", "description": "The code of the course (also named teaching activity).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "ictitle", "title": "Course name", "description": "The name of the course (also named teaching activity) given by the institution.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "icflag", "title": "Set of codes for courses taken by the user", "description": "The set of codes for courses (also named teaching activity) taken by the user separated by a comma.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "acad_year", "title": "Academic year", "description": "The academic year.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "term", "title": "Part of an academic year", "description": "One of the parts of the academic year (Q1, Q2 and Q3).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "course", "title": "Internal identifier of educational components", "description": "A letter to identify the educational components. One educational components can be may contain one or more teaching activity (also named course). If a user follows more than one educational components, they are separated by a comma.", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "enrolled", "title": "Enrolled user", "description": "Whether the user is correctly enrolled (yes), not (no) or specific bridge student (BBMCAM, BBMCSM, BOEAM, BOESM,...).", "type": "string", "format": "default" }, { "name": "state", "title": "User's status", "description": "The users are grouped into regular students (regular), repeater students (repeater), bridge students (bridge), students mobility (mobility), teaching staff (staff) or not specified (0).", "type": "string", "format": "default" } ], "missingValues": [ "" ], "primaryKey": [ "user" ] } } ] }