For the excel sheets 'Fig_2a, Fig_2b, Fig_3ab, Fig_3c, Fig_4a, Fig_4b, Fig_4c and Fig_4d:
- 'Treatment' = the different seed infestations of the seeds: C= control seeds; 1B= one unparasitized bruchid;
 1P= one parasitized bruchid; 1B1P= one unparasitized and one parasitized bruchids (in the same seed, so 2 initial bruchids, but one got parasitized).
- 'Population' =  different genotypes of the seeds used

Fig_2a: 'Weight' = seed weight
Fig_2b: 'Germination rate' = seed germination, 1 = yes, 0 = no
Fig_3ab: 'Fourth tri production time' = time, in number of days, from seed germination to the production of the 4th set of leaves
Fig_3ab: 'Shoot mass' = fresh plant shoot mass 
Fig_3c: 'Root' =  dry mass of the plant roots
Fig_4a: 'Cat growth' = relative growth rate of the caterpillars
Fig_4b: 'Linamarin' = concentration in linamarin
Fig_4c: 'Lotaustralin' = concentration in lotaustralin
Fig_4d: 'Total flavonoids' = concentration in all flavonoids
Fig_4a, Fig_4b, Fig_4c and Fig_4d: 'Trifolium used' = leaves on which the experiment was performed

For the excel sheets 'Fig_5a, Fig_5b, Fig_5b, Fig_5d and Fig_5f:
- 'Treatment' = 'control': seed with no infestation, 'bruchid': seeds with one beetle infestation
- 'Population' = differnent seed genotypes used

Fig_5a: 'Germination rate' = seed germination, 1 = yes, 0 = no
Fig_5b: 'Time to germination' = time from sowing to germination
Fig_5b: 'Number of trifolia' = total number leaves (three leaflets = one trifolium)
Fig_5b: 'Leaf damage%' = percentage of leaf damage
Fig_5d: 'Time to flower' = number of days to the production of the first flower
Fig_5f: 'Seeds' = number of seeds produced

ESM_1a: 'Treatment' = 'control': seed with no infestation, 'bruchid': seeds with at least one beetle infestation
ESM_1a: 'Seed size' = size of the seeds
ESM_1bcd: 'Treatment' = 'control': seed with no infestation, 'bruchid': seeds with at least one beetle infestation, 
'parasitoid': seeds with at least one parasitized beetle
ESM_2: 'Treatment' =  same code as for fig2,3,4. 'Seedweight': weight of the seeds and 'Germination rate' : seed germination, 1 = yes, 0 = no
ESM_3: 'Treatment' = control: intact seed, Scratch: seeds that were slighlty scratched. 0 = no germination, 1 = germination

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