This DATA_README.txt file was generated on 31/03/2022 by Sofia Paraskevopoulou GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Parasite resistance and parasite tolerance: insights into transgenerational immune priming in an invertebrate host 2. Author Information Corresponding Investigator Name: Dr Sofia Paraskevopoulou Institution: School of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 6997801, Israel Email: Co-investigator 1 Name: Sabrina Gattis Institution: School of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 6997801, Israe Co-investigator 2 Name: Dr Frida Ben-Ami Institution: School of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 6997801, Israe 3. Date of data collection: 2020 4. Geographic location of data collection: Tel Aviv, Israel 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Tel Aviv University 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Paraskevopoulou et al. (2022), Data from: Parasite resistance and parasite tolerance: insights into transgenerational immune priming in an invertebrate host, Dryad, Dataset DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. Description of dataset These data were generated to investigate imune priming in Daphnia magna infeced by the yeast Metschnikowia bicuspidata for three subsequent generations. 2. File List: File 1 Name: infection_DATA.xlsx File 1 Description: Infection data for each treatment and clone File 2 Name: spore_DATA.xlsx File 2 Description: Spore count data for each treatment and clone File 3 Name: traits_DATA.xlsx File 3 Description: Relative amplification of 16S RNA at the tumour luminal surface in site investigation cohort DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: infection_DATA.xlsx 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 199 3. Variable List: Replicate: A unique ID for each animal tested Infection: 1 for infected individuals. 0 for exposed uninfected individuals F0: Grandmaternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F1: Maternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals Group: Combination of Grandmaternal/maternal treatments, CC: Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-unexposed, CI:Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-infected, IC: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-unexposed, II: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-infected clone: the clone to which the animal belongs to. ISL stand for the Israeli clone and NOV stands for the Norwegian clone DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Spore_DATA.xlsx 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows: 142 3. Variable List: Replicate: A unique ID for each animal tested Infection: 1 for infected individuals F0: Grandmaternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F1: Maternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F0F1: Combination of Grandmaternal/maternal treatments, CC: Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-unexposed, CI:Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-infected, IC: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-unexposed, II: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-infected clone: the clone to which the animal belongs to. ISL stand for the Israeli clone and NOV stands for the Norwegian clone MSpores: Contains the number of spores in each animal estimated by the number of spores that were counted DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: traits.xlsx 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 341 3. Variable List: replicate: A unique ID for each animal tested F0: Grandmaternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F1: Maternal treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F2: offspring treatment, C stands for unexposed animals, I stands for exposed and infected animals F0F1: Combination of Grandmaternal/maternal treatments, CC: Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-unexposed, CI:Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-infected, IC: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-unexposed, II: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-infected group: Combination of Grandmaternal/maternal/offspring treatments, CCC: Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-unexposed/offspring-unexposed, CCI: Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-unexposed/offspring-infected, CIC:Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-infected/offspring-unexposed, CII:Grandmaternal-Unexposed/maternal-infected/offspring-infected, ICC: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-unexposed/offspring-unexposed, ICI: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-unexposed/offspring-infected, IIC: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-infected/offspring-unexposed, III: Grandmaternal-infected/maternal-infected/offspring-infected survival: survival in days N_offspring: number of total offspring produced during their lifetime AFR: Age at first reproduction (days old) BSFR: Brood size at first reproduction (number of offspring produced the first time that each Daphnia reproduced) clone: the clone to which the animal belongs to. ISL stand for the Israeli clone and NOV stands for the Norwegian clone