--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the primary data from: "A global analysis of aerial displays in passerines revealed an effect of habitat, mating system and migratory traits" by Peter Mikula, Anna Toszogyova & Tomas Albrecht --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN USING the data, PLEASE CITE both the original paper and this dataset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. data.txt the primary tab-delimited table containing data on aerial displays and a set of life-history and environmental predictors in passerine birds; Note: empty cells are missing data Scinam - the scientific (Latin) name of the species as used in the BirdTree project (http://birdtree.org/) CommonName - the common (English) name of the species as used in the Birds of the World database (https://birdsoftheworld.org/) Family - family affiliation of the species AerialDisplay - main dataset with strict criteria for the sexual function of aerial displays and flight component of avian displays (0/1) AerialDisplaySource - source publications (for details see sources.txt file) RelaxSexual - dataset with relaxed criteria for the sexual function of aerial displays (0/1) RelaxSexualSource - source publications (for details see sources.txt file) RelaxFlight - dataset with relaxed criteria for the presence of flight component in sexual displays (0/1) RelaxFlightSource - source publications (for details see sources.txt file) HabitatIUCN - habitat type extracted from IUCN Red List database (closed = 0; semi-open = 1; open = 2) HabitatTobias - habitat type extracted from Tobias et al. (2016) (closed = 1; semi-open = 2; open = 3) BodyMass - mean species body mass (g) MaleBM - mean male body mass (g) SSDbm - sexual size dimorphism in body mass = log10(male body mass) - log10(female body mass) MaleColour - male plumage colouration Dichromatism - sexual dichromatism in plumage colouration = log10(male plumage score) - log10(female plumage score) MatingSystem - mating systems (strict social monogamy = 0; social monogamy with a low incidence of social polygyny = 1; social monogamy with regular facultative social polygyny = 2; obligate polygyny = 3) HWI - hand-wing index Migration - migration score (sedentary = 1; partially migratory = 2; fully migratory = 3) LatitudeAbs - absolute median latitude of breeding/resident range of species 2. sources.txt the tab-delimited table containing a list of abbreviated and full data source references Abbreviation - abbreviated data source reference Full - full data source reference 3. recordings.txt the tab-delimited table containing a list of recordings documenting the presence of aerial displays in passerines Scinam - the scientific (Latin) name of the species as used in the BirdTree project (http://birdtree.org/) RecordingID - Recording ID from Xeno-canto (XC) and Macaulay library (ML) databases