Ranking of technologically significant factors determining the quality of reproduction of augmented reality elements
- 1. Educational and Scientific Institute for Publishing and Printing of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
The work is devoted to the study of factors influencing the reproduction of augmented reality elements.
The object of the study is technologically significant parameters of the influence on the process of reproduction of AR elements when pointing a phone or tablet camera at a special marker image. The main problem of the study is the lack of information regarding the technological process of creating AR products and a large number of parameters that should be taken into account when choosing a particular technological operation, since changes in these factors greatly affect the correct reproduction of AR elements and further use of such products.
The study determined that in recent years, research has shifted from the field of science to printing and entertainment. This is due to the capabilities of the technology, namely wow effect, content expression, ease of creation, etc., development of digital technologies and competition with digital products.
Also, a low level of research was revealed in the area of products with unstable usage conditions such as clothing, packaging, etc. This can be explained by the development of printing technologies and opportunities in this area only recently, the increase in the popularity of such products only in recent years and, as a result, insufficient knowledge in this area. However, such products are much more popular in the market, which is emphasized by a significant drop in the production of books, magazines, etc.
The results of studying the significance of factors in the marker reproduction processes made it possible to identify the most significant ones (marker parameters, material characteristics, usage conditions, etc.). A systematic and integrated approach to the influence factors of this study allows the development of methods for normalizing the process of creating AR products with unstable usage conditions, which makes it possible to produce workable and reliable products in any conditions.
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