Macrotomoderus wudu sp. nov. 958A2C60-1BAD-4544-8C3A-3DDCFE7C9A52

Figs 44–45

Differential diagnosis

This species readily differs from all congeners primarily due to the presence of the strongly curved golden setae on the median part of the anterior margin of the male pronotum, the unique shape of the male aedeagus and the partially longitudinally carinate anterior lobe of pronotum. Also see key to species below.


Toponymic. Named after Wudu, the type locality of this species. Noun in apposition.

Type material

Holotype CHINA • ♂; “China, S Gansu, WSW Wudu, SE Guazigou vill., 11. VII. 2004 I.Belousov & I.Kabak leg. // 2483 m (33°19′04″N; 104°44′07″E)”; ZIN.

Paratypes (8 specimens) CHINA • 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same labels as for holotype; ZIN • 3 ♂♂; same labels as for holotype; DTC.


MEASUREMENTS. Holotype, total body length 4.2 mm; head 0.8 mm long, across eyes 0.82 mm broad, pronotum 1.1 mm long, maximum width 0.8 mm, minimum width 0.28 mm, elytra 2.2 mm long, 1.45 mm combined wide. Selected paratypes 3.6 mm, 3.8 mm, 3.95 mm long.

Dorsum and venter uniformly brown. Mouthparts, antennae, palps and legs yellowish-brown. Head subtriangular with rather small, asymmetrically ovoid compound eyes, which laterally are slightly protruding beyond head outline. Head rounded in broad arc posterior to eyes, head base subtruncate medially. Occiput slightly declivous posterodorsally. Head dorsal punctures minute, rather dense, intervening spaces glossy, about 2–4 × as large as punctures. Head dorsal setae inconspicuous, rather dense, suberect. Some setae on median area of head base pointed posteromediad.Antennae in both sexes extending towards base of pronotum. Antennomere three about 1.25 × as long as antennomere two, antennomere six about as long as wide, antennomeres 7–10 strongly transverse. Terminal antennomere asymmetrically triangular with rounded apex, 2–2.2 × as long as penultimate antennomere. Terminal maxillary palpomere securiform. Pronotum hourglass-shaped, slightly less wide than head across eyes. Postmedian lateral constriction broad and medially deeply notched. Front margin of anterior lobe very broadly rounded, dorsally without anterior rim. Front margin of anterior lobe in male with a group of golden, dense, moderately long and strongly Ɔ-like curved setae pointing towards a declivous portion of head base, touching or nearly touching cranial neck but not head base (Fig. 44B–C). Anterior lobe slightly convex in lateral view (Fig. 44C). Lateral constriction slightly continues onto disc in lateral view (Fig. 44C). Posterior portion of anterior lobe with obtuse, weak median longitudinal carina that in some specimens continues to lateral constriction area. Lateral pronotal fovea moderately broad at lower external margin of pronotum, widens upwards towards pronotal disc in lateral view, external margins protruding into a pair of obtuse, moderately widely separated denticles (in lateral view). In lateral view both anterior and posterior denticle are strongly obtuse, nearly glabrous. In dorsal view, lateral pronotal fovea broad, anterior and posterior pair of denticles appear subacutely angulate, glabrous (Fig. 44B). Pronotal fovea in part effectively concealed dorsally and laterally by long, moderately dense, whitish setae (Fig. 44B). Pronotal punctures minute on disc; lateral constriction dorsally with much denser, larger, generally strongly elongate to irregularly shaped but still rather small punctures. Intervening spaces on lateral constriction area generally narrower than punctures. Dorsal pronotal setae rather long, moderately dense. Scutellar shield minute, triangular. Elytra dorsally elongate elliptical, flattened to slightly convex in lateral view, widened laterally around midlength, lateral margins very broadly rounded, shoulders obsolete (apterous species). Epipleura very broad at median part of elytra. Elytral punctures rather small, about same size to (in basal third) slightly larger than those in pronotal constriction area, moderately dense, becoming smaller and sparser towards apices. Elytral setae long and sparse, suberect. Mesotibia distinctly thickened. Basal metatarsomere in both sexes much shorter than combined length of remaining metatarsomeres. Male tergite and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Female tergite and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Aedeagus as in Fig. 45, robust and large, apex distinctly sinuous in lateral view, most of apicale and basale filled with conspicuous, moderately large and dense, irregularly shaped gonopore armature.

Sexual dimorphism

Female terminal antennomere is shorter, broader conical than that of male, anterior margin of pronotum without group of sense golden setae, instead with small, glabrous, mesal patch opposing elongate setae on head base.


Collected at 2483 m elevation.


Known only from the southern part of Gansu Province, north-central China. This is the north westernmost record of the genus Macrotomoderus.

Supplemented and updated key to species of Macrotomoderus from China, the Japanese Archipelago, and Taiwan

Female features alone are generally insufficient for species delimitation, therefore the present key is mainly based on male features.

1. Head distinctly constricted posterior to compound eyes, conical.................. M. conus Telnov, 2018

– Head rounded, subtruncate or truncate posterior to compound eyes, not conical............................ 2

2. Male metafemur with conspicuous, large, apically acutely pointed denticle at posterior margin.............................................................................................................................. M. femoridens sp. nov.

– Posterior margin of metafemur in both sexes without modifications............................................... 3

3. Head base in male with conspicuous, median triangular projection................................................ 4

– Head base in male without median projection.................................................................................. 6

4. Anterior margin of male pronotum with broad mesal impression facing median part of head base, anterolateral margins of impressed area moderately strongly raised in dorsal aspect, appear denticulate; anterior edge of pronotum in front of anterior impression in male forms thin median wall that is covered with conspicuous, golden, in part curved, anteriad-pointing setae............................................................................................................................................... M. lapidarius sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of pronotum different, without anterolateral denticles if impressed...................... 5

5. Anterior margin of male pronotum truncate, with shallow mesal impression; projection of head base comparatively large; head with distinct tempora, compound eyes twice as long as tempora; head base subtruncate.............................................................................. M. monstrificabilis Telnov, 2018

– Anterior margin of male pronotum broadly rounded, not impressed; projection of head base less conspicuous, smaller; head rounded in broad arc posterior to eyes, tempora not delimited................................................................................................................................. M. mirabilis Telnov, 2018

6. Male head base truncate when observing directly from above, temporal angles present, obtuse angulate; anterior margin of male pronotum with broad mesal impression facing median part of head base, anterolateral margins of impressed area slightly raised in dorsal aspect, appear obtuse denticulate; anterior edge of male pronotum in front of anterior impression forms thin, low median wall covered with conspicuous, golden, in part curved, anteriad-pointing setae...................................................................................................................................................... M. truncatulus sp. nov.

– Combination of features different; male head base rounded, subtruncate or truncate but temporal angles never appear angulate............................................................................................................ 7

7. Total body length about 2 mm or less............................................................................................... 8

– Total body length 2.5 mm or more................................................................................................... 9

8. Species from Okinawa (Ryukyu Islands); anterior lobe of pronotum dorsally with inconspicuous, median longitudinal carina; anterior margin of male pronotum without modifications, rounded....................................................................................................... M. satoi (M. Saitô, 2003)

– Species from Yunnan (continental China); pronotum dorsally not carinate; anterior margin of male pronotum with mesal impression that holds small frontal projection............................................................................................................................................................ M. microscopicus Telnov, 2018

9. Anterior margin of male pronotum with modifications – mesally impressed or projected anteriad or provided with conspicuous, grouped, dense setae.......................................................................... 10

– Anterior margin of male pronotum ordinary rounded, subtruncate or truncate, without modifications or group(s) of peculiar setae, at most slightly impressed mesally.................................................. 27

10. Anterior lobe of pronotum distinctly wider than head across eyes.................................................11

– Anterior lobe of pronotum nearly as wide as or narrower than head across eyes.......................... 15

11. Head base truncate; eyes conspicuously large and laterally convex; tempora distinct, much shorter than dorsal eye length............................................................................................. M. boops sp. nov.

– Head rounded in broad arc posterior to comparatively smaller, more or less strongly flattened eyes; tempora not delimited (rounded) but not much shorter than dorsal eye length.............................. 12

12. Male occiput not declivous or impressed posteroventrally (above insertion of cranial neck); anterior rim of pronotum narrow dorsally in male; anterior margin of male pronotum slightly impressed both sides of median projection; male antenna comparatively shorter, not extending towards median third of elytra............................................................................................................ M. hengduan sp. nov.

– Male occiput slightly declivous posterodorsally or shallowly impressed posteroventrally above insertion of cranial neck; male antenna extending or almost extending towards median third of elytra............................................................................................................................................... 13

13. Male occiput slightly declivous posterodorsally; anterior margin of pronotum without median projection................................................................................................................... M. dali sp. nov.

– Male occiput shallowly impressed posteroventrally above insertion of cranial neck; anterior margin of pronotum with distinct, median triangular projection................................................................ 14

14. Anterior margin of pronotum truncate; lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally with inconspicuous, short, median longitudinal carina, densely and roughly punctures both sides of carina, intervening spaces much smaller than punctures.................................... M. imitator sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of pronotum subtruncate; lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally not carinate, with rather large and sparse punctures and wide, glossy, and glabrous intervening spaces............................................................................................................................... M. monstratus Telnov, 2018

15. Lateral foveae of pronotum not or marginally visible in dorsal view, not forming deep notches in pronotal constriction; denticles of lateral foveae of pronotum not or partially visible in dorsal view................................................................................................................................................. 16

– Lateral foveae of pronotum clearly visible in dorsal view in a form variably deep notches in sides of pronotum at constriction; denticles of lateral foveae of pronotum generally well-visible in dorsal view................................................................................................................................................. 19

16. Lateral constriction of pronotum dorsally with more or less prominent median longitudinal carina..................................................................................................................... M. chingpo Telnov, 2018

– Lateral constriction of pronotum dorsally not carinate................................................................... 17

17. Anterior margin of male pronotum without modifications, broadly rounded, with a group of C-shaped (curved) posteriad-pointed setae; head base without bunch of setae................. M. angelinii sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of pronotum in male medially elevated and projecting anteriad.......................... 18

18. Frontal projection of pronotum with a group of ך-shaped (bent) anteriad-pointed setae; head base medially with a bunch of dense golden setae; pronotum slender, elongate, narrower than head across eyes.............................................................................................................. M. gracilis Telnov, 2018

– Anterior margin of pronotum without peculiar setae; pronotum rather broad, same wide as head across eyes...................................................................................................... M. kawa Telnov, 2018

19. Dorsum of anterior lobe of pronotum or its lateral constriction area or both medially longitudinally carinate............................................................................................................................................ 20

– Pronotum dorsally not carinate....................................................................................................... 24

20. Anterior lobe of pronotum dorsally with median longitudinal carina (almost complete but not touching anterior margin of pronotum, or restricted to posterior half of anterior lobe), projecting or not on lateral constriction area........................................................................................................ 21

– Pronotum only carinate on lateral constriction area; anterior lobe of pronotum without dorsal carina............................................................................................................................................... 23

21. Anterior margin of male pronotum not excavated, mesally provided with a group of golden, dense, strongly Ɔ-like curved setae................................................................................... M. wudu sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of male pronotum excavated, without a median group of dense, curved setae... 22

22. Aedeagus as in Fig. 39, basale large, bulbous................................................. M. transitans sp. nov.

– Aedeagus as in Fig. 9, basale smaller, not bulbous............................................ M. bordonii sp. nov.

23. Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally with three carinae, of which both lateral carinae less prominent and shorter than median one; lateral pronotal foveae in dorsal view comparatively less deep and less broadly notched; dorsal setae or pronotum moderately long...................................................................................................................................................... M. yunnanus (Telnov, 1998)

– Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally medially unicarinate; lateral pronotal foveae in dorsal view deeply and broadly notched; dorsal setae or pronotum long......... M. perforatus Telnov, 2018

24. Anterior margin of male pronotum without modifications, broadly rounded, medially with a bunch of golden, rather short and dense, apically C-shaped (curved) setae...................... M. tenuis sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of male pronotum with median impression or projection.................................... 25

25. Anterior margin of male pronotum truncate, with small and shallow median impression; anterior wall of this impression with a group of ך-shaped (bent), anteriad-pointed setae raised from one pore........................................................................................................... M. schuelkei Telnov, 2018

– Anterior margin of male pronotum rounded to broadly rounded................................................... 26

26. Anterior margin of male pronotum with paired bunch of long, strongly Ɔ-like curved setae touching neck and head base; occiput slightly declivous posterodorsally; head base broadly rounded....................................................................................................................................... M. bicrispus sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of male pronotum mesally impressed; anterior margin of this cavity laterally with a few long, apically curved, erect setae which are meeting apically in П-shaped arc over anterior wall of pronotum........................................................................................................... M. similis sp. nov.

27. Lateral constriction of pronotum dorsally with two rather large, elongate ovoid pores and 2–3 obtuse, transverse sulci............................................................................................ M. negator Telnov, 2007

– Sculpture of lateral pronotal constriction different......................................................................... 28

28. Setae conspicuously dense in pronotal constriction area, in dorsal view effectively concealing structure of constriction and its notches......................................................................................... 29

– Setae more or less sparse in pronotal constriction, structure of constriction and its notches clearly visible through setae in dorsal view................................................................................................ 30

29. Aedeagus as in Fig. 31, basale not bulbous; head posterior to compound eyes with rather long, slightly constricted posteriad tempora, broadly rounded at base only; distribution – Sichuan Province (China)...................................................................................................................... M. muli sp. nov.

– Aedeagus not as in Fig. 31, shorter and broader, basale strongly bulbous; head posterior to compound eyes rather evenly broadly rounded in arc; distribution – Zhejiang Province (China).......................................................................................................................................... M. makarovi Telnov, 2018

30. Lateral constriction of pronotum dorsally more or less prominently medially longitudinally carinate (sometimes only visible by sufficient light!); median carina projected or not on anterior lobe..... 31

– Lateral constriction of pronotum dorsally more or less prominently punctate or rugulose, not carinate............................................................................................................................................ 37

31. Dorsal median longitudinal carina of pronotal constriction projected to anterior lobe of pronotum for about half its length........................................................................................................................ 32

– Dorsal median longitudinal carina of pronotal constriction restricted to lateral constriction area or (at maximum) also its anterior and posterior slopes............................................................................ 34

31. Basal half of elytra strongly punctate; pronotum paler than dark brown head and elytra..................................................................................................................................... M. andibani Telnov, 2007

– Basal half of elytra distinctly less strongly punctate; dorsal body uniformly brown..................... 33

33. Male antennomeres 9–10 as in Fig. 3D; anterior lobe of pronotum convex in lateral view; anterodorsal margin of clypeus emarginate; elytra comparatively longer, apically rounded; dorsal body generally paler brown....................................................................................................... M. belousovi sp. nov.

– Male antennomeres 9–10 as in Fig. 24D; anterior lobe of pronotum flattened in lateral view; anterodorsal margin of clypeus truncate; elytra comparatively shorter, apically subtruncate; dorsal body generally dark brown................................................................................... M. kabaki sp. nov.

34. Terminal antennomere broadly triangular, apically rounded; head darker than rest of body................................................................................................................................... M. bukejsi Telnov, 2018

– Terminal antennomere elongate triangular, apically pointed; head not darker than rest of body... 35

35. At least elytra dark brown; spiculum gastrale distinctly sinuous; in dorsal view lateral constriction area of pronotum with dense, rough punctures continue on sides (slopes) of lateral fovea...................................................................................................................................... M. spurisi Telnov, 2018

– Dorsum uniformly pale brown, elytra not darker than rest of body; spiculum gastrale arched or slightly sinuous; in dorsal view sides (slopes) of lateral fovea of lateral constriction area of pronotum smooth, not densely punctured....................................................................................................... 36

36. Basale of aedeagus strongly bulbous; anterior margin of pronotum broadly rounded; lateral pronotal fovea dorsally deep and broad, lateral denticles prominent, well visible............................................................................................................................................................ M. jiuhuanus Telnov, 2007

– Basale of aedeagus widened but not bulbous; anterior margin of pronotum subtruncate; lateral pronotal fovea dorsally rather narrow, lateral denticles less conspicuous, not prominent, poorly visible..................................................................................................... M. periclitatus Telnov, 2018

37. Lateral fovea of pronotal constriction on each side with two pairs of lateral denticles (anterior and posterior, upper and lower)............................................................................................................. 38

– Lateral fovea of pronotal constriction on each side with single pair of lateral denticles (anterior and posterior) on each side.................................................................................................................... 39

38. Upper posterior denticle of lateral fovea of pronotal constriction with a brush of short, dense, golden setae (in lateral and dorsal view); lateral constriction continues onto pronotal disc, rather deep in lateral view; compound eyes moderately large..................................... M. sichuanus (Telnov, 1998)

– No brush of setae on denticle of lateral fovea; lateral constriction vaguely continues onto disc, flat in lateral view; compound eyes small.................................................... M. darrenmanni Telnov, 2018

39. Species from Japanese Archipelago (Honshu, Shikoku)................... M. clavipes (Champion, 1890)

– Species from Taiwan........................................................................ M. nigripennis (Uhmann, 1994)

– Species from mainland China......................................................................................................... 40

40. Denticles of lateral pronotal fovea not visible in dorsal view...................... M. daxiangling sp. nov.

– Denticles of lateral pronotal fovea clearly visible in dorsal view................................................... 41

41. Transition of lateral constriction fovea to the disc of pronotum is even; transverse section of constriction area is ᴖ-shaped (arc).................................................................................................. 43

– Transition of lateral constriction fovea to the disc of pronotum is delimited by expanded sides of pronotal disc; transverse section of constriction area is either slightly T-shaped........................... 42

42. Terminal antennomere elongate, nearly regularly triangular; pronotal constriction area comparatively wider (dorsal view); elytra comparatively shorter; aedeagus without apical projection, apex pointed................................................................................................ M. wuliangshan Telnov, 2018

– Terminal antennomere small,asymmetrical; pronotal constriction area comparatively narrower(dorsal view); elytra comparatively more elongate; aedeagus with apical projection, apex subtruncate.......................................................................................................................... M. silvicolus Telnov, 2018

43. At least one denticle of lateral pronotal fovea in pair (when visible in dorsal view) with brush of very dense, short setae............................................................................................................................ 44

– Denticles of lateral pronotal fovea glabrous or with few sparse, long setae.................................. 45

44. Species from Hubei; anterior pronotal lobe dorsally minutely punctured; lateral pronotal fovea in dorsal view rather short and narrow...................................................... M. kurbatovi (Telnov, 1998)

– Species from Guangdong; anterior pronotal lobe dorsally with sparse, large and deep punctures; lateral pronotal fovea in dorsal view broad and deep............................................ M. hajeki sp. nov.

45. Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally smooth and glossy, no or only tracks of sculpture present.................................................................................................... M. uhmanni (Telnov, 1998)

– Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally distinctly punctured, glossy or subopaque........... 46

46. Anterior margin of pronotum truncate (Fig. 32A–B), medially slightly declivous anteriad; aedeagus strongly bigibbose in lateral view (Fig. 33)........................................................ M. palaung sp. nov.

– Anterior margin of pronotum broadly rounded to subtruncate, not declivous anteriad; aedeagus in lateral view not as in Fig. 33........................................................................................................... 47

47. Dorsal body dark brown; aedeagus as in Fig. 19............................................ M. hartmanni sp. nov.

– Dorsal body pale brown; aedeagus not as in Fig. 19...................................................................... 48

48. Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally with large, strongly elongate, median longitudinal notch (Fig. 42A–B); dorsal punctures on lateral constriction area of pronotum comparatively smaller and less rough; aedeagus as in Fig. 43................................................................. M. usitatus sp. nov.

– Lateral constriction area of pronotum dorsally without large, elongate, median longitudinal notch (Fig. 26B); dorsal punctures on lateral constriction area of pronotum comparatively larger and rougher; aedeagus as in Fig. 27.......................................................................... M. korolevi sp. nov.

Annotated list of the Palaearctic Macrotomoderus Pic, 1901