Copa sakalava Pett, sp. nov.

Figs 2–10

Material Examined. Holotype ♂. MADAGASCAR: -15.504529, 46.708601, Mariarano, 19 June 2018, forest, 21:07h, Brogan L. Pett leg (RMCA _ARA_ 247355).

Paratypes: 2 ♀, MADAGASCAR: -15.478513, 46.683486, Mariarano, 17 June 2018, forest patch near riverbank, 20:00h, Brogan L. Pett leg (RMCA _ARA_247356).

Etymology. The species epithet honours the Sakalava ethnic group of Madagascar from the region of the type locality. It is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Copa sakalava sp. nov. is readily distinguished from all other Copa by: broad embolus with 1.5 turns, with the final half turn directed prolaterally, extending around 1/3 rd to ½ of the length back across the basal embolus coil (rather than long, thin, and extending to apex of cymbium in C. flavoplumosa, or relatively straight and medium width, extending to cymbial apex in C. kei Haddad, 2013). Additionally, Copa sakalava sp. nov. has a sharp but stubby paracymbial spine retrolaterally. Females are distinguished primarily by the lateral chamber of the CD that joins the median path of CD mid-way between the CO and connection between ST and CD, in ventral view the large semi-circular epigynal hood is also unique in the genus.

Taxonomic notes. Copa sakalava sp. nov. is the only species in the genus currently known to have a mostly uniform orangish brown habitus and, at present, it may be utilised as a diagnostic character. However, with a revision with more than 40 new species from Madagascar pending, we consider the apparent uniqueness of this character may quickly lose value.


Male (holotype: RMCA _ARA_ 247355)

Measurements. TL 5.30, CL 2.68, CW 2.07, CH 1.12, SL 1.34, SW 1.12, AL 2.62, AW 1.72, chelicera length 0.77, chelicera width 0.43. Legs. I: 1.76, 0.71, 1.42, 1.36, 1.16. II: 1.69, 0.48, 1.20, 1.38, 1.10. III: 1.80, 0.79, 1.24, 1.67, 0.98. IV: 2.50, 1.02, 1.90, 2.58, 1.17. Eyes: AME—0.10, ALE—0.08, PME—0.09, PLE—0.08.

Colouration: Carapace orange to brownish-orange (Figs. 2, 4), slightly darker at margins and lighter around fovea. Ocular region black. Broad, indistinct line of feathery black setae from PER to posterior slope of carapace. Black erect setae in line extending straight from just posterior of PME to just anterior to fovea. Sternum bright yellowish-orange (Fig. 3), coxae all paler. Dorsal sclerite deep reddish-orange, otherwise abdomen dorsally beige to greyish, venter beige to cream, epigastric region orangish. Legs I & II generally yellowish-brown, legs III & IV generally brownish-orange and clearly darker than first two pairs. Mt III & IV deep orangish-red.

Carapace: Broad, width about 4/5 th length. Highest point at fovea, sloping abruptly posterior to fovea.

Sternum: Broad, shield-shaped, anterior ridge straight. Widest between coxae II and III.

Eyes: AER procurved with AMEs largest, close to touching ALE. PER strongly procurved, with PME slightly larger larger than PLE. Strong, short, ocular setae in horizontal rows of six between PLE and PME.

Legs: Dorsal, prolateral and retrolateral spines absent from tibiae I, II. All femora with sparse erect ventral setae, patellae with and fine, long setae dorsally. Femur IV distinctly broader than others. Ti, Mt and Ta with dorsal, prolateral and retrolateral trichobothria.

Chelicerae: Covered with relatively long, erect setae on anterior face. Two teeth on retromargin, well-spaced, about equal-sized, distal tooth slightly larger.

Abdomen: Six strong straight setae on anterior margin of dorsal sclerite. Dorsal sclerite around half length of abdomen and posterior margin bifid. Dorsum covered by short straight black setae and feathery black setae, denser at lateral margins. Venter with sparser black setae. Inframamillary sclerite small, circular, with dense short setae. Epigastric region with moderate sclerotisation and straight black setae medially, absent laterally.

Palp: (Figs. 8, 9) Cymbium orange to brown. One large prolateral spine on tibia, one on prolateral edge of cymbium. Retrolateral paracymbial spine sharp but stubby. Tegulum pear-shaped with sperm duct deep purple to black. Embolus with relatively broad basal ridge around 2/3 width of cymbium, distally to ridge-embolic turn broader, around ¾ width of cymbium, turning 1½ times with embolus tip directed prolaterally and extending between 1/3 and ½ length of distal coil. Several thicker short setae at apex of cymbium.

Leg spination: I: F = pl1 do3 rl1, P = d1, Ti = plv2 rlv2 (one additional much smaller spine plv), Mt = plv2 rlv2. II: F = pl1 do3 rl1, P = d1, Ti = plv2 rlv2 (one additional much smaller spine plv), Mt = plv2 rlv2. III: F = pl2 do3 rl2, P = do1, Ti = pl2 d1 rl3 plv3 rlv3, Mt = pl1 do4 rl1 plv2 rlv2. IV: F = pl2 d3 rl2, P = d1, Ti = pl2 d1 rl3 plv2 rlv2, Mt = pl2 d4 rl2 plv2 rlv2.

Female (paratype)

Measurements. TL 6.36, CL 2.82, CW 2.12, CH 1.12, SL 1.42, SW 1.24, AL 3.54, AW 2.68, chelicera length 1.00, chelicera width 0.52. Legs. I: 1.82, 0.78, 1.48, 1.28, 1.00. II: 1.78, 0.70, 1.36, 1.30, 0.86. III: 1.73, 0.70, 1.22, 1.60, 0.88. IV: 2.04, 0.80, 1.44, 2.38, 1.10. Eyes: AME—0.10, ALE—0.08, PME—0.10, PLE 0.08. AME—ALE 0.02, PLE—PME—0.05, AME-PME—0.14, ALE-PLE—0.04.

Shape, colouration, details of eyes, legs and chelicerae all as in male, except: dorsal sclerite very small, covering only around 1/8 th of dorsum, light brownish orange.

Epigyne: (Figs. 10, 11). Roughly square due to lateral chamber of CD, large semi-circular external ridges with lightly translucent hood around midpoint of epigyne, hood margin anteriorly at lateral margin of ST and touching at their mid-point for 1/3 their length posteriorly; CO just posterior to anterior apex of hood, CD highly distinctive, directed dorsally and slightly obliquely toward both ventral portion of CD and lateral chamber of CD (in anterior view) situated between CO and distinctive looped connection of CD to posterior end of ST II.

Leg spination: I: Ti = plv2 rlv2 (one additional much smaller spine at plv apex), Mt = plv2 rlv2. II: F = pl1 do3 rl1, P = d1, Ti = plv1 rlv2 (one additional much smaller spine at plv apex), Mt = plv2 rlv2. III: F = pl2 do3 rl2, P = d1, Ti = pl2 d1 rl2 plv3 rlv2, Mt = pl3 d4 rl1 plv2 rlv2 (4 distal spines around apex of segment). IV: F = pl2 do3 rl2, P = d1, Ti = pl2 d1 rl3 plv3 rlv2, Mt = pl2 d4 rl2 plv2 rlv2.