Published October 1, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Baseline report on present skills gaps in shipbuilding and offshore renewables value chains

  • 1. CETMAR
  • 2. Aquatera
  • 3. AquaTT
  • 4. COSNAV Engineering
  • 5. Ghent University
  • 6. FRCT
  • 7. Fórum Oceano
  • 8. AMC


The objective of the MATES Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps is to deliver a critical review and analysis of the skills supply and demand mismatch in Europe for the two sectors addressed i.e. shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy. The report is the result of extensive desktop research, industry engagement through regional workshops, a validation workshop, surveys, expert interviews, Focus Group meetings and builds upon the MATES State of the Art Report (D1.2).

Access the Baseline Executive Report.

The MATES Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps:

(a) provides an overview of the current status of the targeted sectors, focusing on aspects that can be mostly affected by skills gaps (e.g. current technological trends, economic growth, sector’s potential for further development, etc.)

(b) specifies and describes the phases/segments of the sectors’ value chains

(c) maps the existing occupational profiles that are involved in the main sectors’ activities and their corresponding skills and competences, based on European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) classification

(d) examines skills supply by identifying educational and training offers for the academic year of 2018-2019 relevant to these sectors and assessing their curricula and the qualifications they provide

(e) investigates skills demand through consultation with the aforementioned industries (i.e. companies, industry associations, industry experts, etc.)

(f) identifies skills gaps of the sectors’ workforce and skills mismatch between education and training providers and the industries’ relevant requirements

The report provides a solid foundation upon which future MATES activities are based; the building of future scenarios for forecasting skills requirements in the short, medium and long-term as well as the development of relevant Lines of Actions and best practices for effectively addressing these skills gaps through the MATES Pilot Experiences.


MATES D2.1 Baseline Report.pdf

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