Introductory Information

Title: STORM + STORM future climate scripts

Description: These are the python scripts and files necessary to recreate the STORM future climate datasets that are presented in Bloemendaal et al (2022) - A globally consistent local-scale assessment
of future tropical cyclone risk. The package consists of the following:
1) Scripts to do the data pre-processing; extracting the relevant statistics from the global climate model (GCM) tropical cyclone (TC) datasets, calculating the delta, and adding this to IBTrACS. The respective IBTrACS files are added as well 
2) Scripts to run STORM. Please note that (due to time constraints ..) I directly copied these scripts from my Github repository; you need to update the input dataset file naming yourself wherever necessary.
3) Scripts to calculate the STORM return period maps. 

Format: The python scripts are in .py file format. The necessary input datasets for the .py files are either in .txt format or in .npy format. 
Please note that the input GCM files are publicly accessible, but you have to download the GCM datasets yourself from the Jasmin server. 
For more information, please see Roberts et al (202) - Projected future changes in tropical cyclones using the CMIP HighResMIP Multimodel Ensemble. 

Contact Information: nadia.bloemendaal@vu.nl

Specific Information on the Scripts
Please find below an outline of which python scripts belong to with of the three stages (see above). 

1) Data pre-processing: 
- Step1_Open_GCM_datasets.py
- Step1A_Calculate_monthly_means.py
- Step1B_Mask_land_SST_means.py
- Step2_Calculate_track_coefficients.py
- Step3_Calculate_pressure_coefficients.py
- Step4_Delta_approach.py


3) STORM return periods:
- masterprogram.py
- holland_model.py
- return_periods_10km_grid.py