Anthobium tectum (Paykull, 1789) comb. nov.

(Figs. 2, 46–64, 69–81)

Staphylinus tectus Paykull, 1789: 68; Paykull 1800: 411, Olivier 1795: 36

Omalium tectum: Gravenhorst 1806: 213; Gyllenhal 1810: 202; Olivier 1811: 478; C. Sahlberg 1827: 278, 1830: 282; Zetterstedt 1828: 49, 1838: 50; Lacordaire 1835: 487, 1854: 142; Laporte 1840: 191

Anthobium tectum: Curtis 1829: 28; Stephens 1834: 340

Deliphrum tectum: C. Sahlberg 1830: 282; Erichson 1839: 627, 1840: 872; Heer 1839: 187; Stephens 1839: 426; Redtenbacher 1849: 750, 1857: 249, 1874: 270; Fairmaire & Laboulbène 1856: 638; Kraatz 1857: 952; Calwer 1858: 199; Thomson 1859: 50, 1861: 197; Bach 1860: 270; Fauvel 1871: 121 [= 1872: 95]; Seidlitz 1875: 236; Calwer & Jäger 1876: 172; Mulsant & Rey 1880: 117; Fowler 1888: 406; Fauconnet 1892: 121; Ganglbauer 1895: 723; Luze 1905: 245; Reitter 1909: 188; Kuhnt 1913: 189; Johansen 1914: 597; Porta 1926: 25; Portevin 1929: 442; Scheerpeltz & Höfler 1948: 153; Hansen 1952: 77; Palm 1948: 98; Lohse 1964: 51; Focarile 1978: 36; Tóth 1982: 76

Deliphrum tectum var. picipennis J. Sahlberg, 1876: 246 [unavailable name]

Deliphrum (Deliphrum) tectum: Zanetti, 1987: 286, 2012: 65

Omalium laeve Gravenhorst, 1806: 211; Olivier 1811: 477; Stephens 1834: 352, 1839: 429

Material examined: UK: 1 ♀: ‘ Scotland D. Sharp’ (BMNH); 1 ♂: Angleterre (IRSN); NORWAY: FINNMARK: 1 ♂: Bossekop. 07.1898 (BMNH); 1 ♀: Süd-Varanger, Pasvik-Järvi. 04.1944. G. Nietsch leg (MHNG); 1♂: Vadsö. A. Strand leg. (ZMUC); 1 ♀: Lyngen. J. Sahlberg leg. (MZHF); NORDLAND: 1 ♂: Kjeldvandet, 6 km S Sulitjelma, 67º4’N 16º3’E. 510 m a.s.l. 13.viii.1961 (BMNH); 1 ♂: Tysfjord (BMNH); 1 ♀: Nordmo. 17.07.2002. Schneider leg. (MZHF); TRØNDELAG: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Kongsvold (BMNH); TELEMARK: 1 ♀: 5 km E Kalhovd. 60º04’N 8º23’E. 900-1100 m a.s.l. 27.07.1987. Munk leg. (ZMUC); TROMS: 3 ♂♂: Tromsö (IRSN, MZHF); INNLANDET: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Dovre, Fokstua. 07.07.1933. H. Lindberg leg. (MZHF); OSLO: 1 ♀: Christiania. M. Cameron leg. (BMNH); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Lövstad. 15.09.1975. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); REGION NOT LOCATED: 1 ♀: ‘ Norwegen Munster’ (NMPC); 2 exs.: 09.1986. H. Gräf leg. (ZFMK); SWEDEN: LAPPLAND: 2 ♀♀: Abisko. 24.08.1927. L. Brundin leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data, 22.08.1927 (SMNH); 1 ♀: same data, 18.08.1927 (SMNH); 1 ♂: ‘ Lp. in.’, ‘ Bhn. ’ (SMNH); 1 ♂: Staloluokta, 67º19`N 16º19`E. 28.08.1961 (BMNH); 1 ♀: same data, 16.08.1962. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Laukuluspa. 29.7.1980. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 2 ♀♀: Vastenje. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); VÄSTERBOTTEN: 1 ♀: Lägsjön. 06.08.1951. Matthiessen leg. (SMNH); JÄMTLAND: 2 ♂♂: Fors. 16.07.1945. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data, 26.07.1945 (SMNH); 2 ♂♂: Frostviken. T. Palm (ZMUC); ÅNGERMANLAND: 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀: Graninge, Långsjön, 29.07.1945. O. Lundblad leg. (BMNH, SMNH); DALARNA: 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀: Kopparb, Hälsingg. 06.09.1950. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data. 06.09.1950. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Kopparberg (BMNH); 1 ♂: Sundborn, Logärden. 25.07.1944. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: ‘ Dlr. By sn. Th. Palm’ (ZMUC); UPPLAND: 2 ♂♂: Knivsta Noor. 01.04.1945. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 2 ♂♂, 1♀: Fiby ur skog Vänge. 21.06.1945. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: same data, 15.10.1945 (SMNH); 1 ♂: same data, 16.10.1947 (SMNH); 2 ♂♂: same data, 06.10.1946 (SMNH); 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: Harparbol, Almunge. 16.10.1950. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Färingsö. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂: Vallentung T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂: Almunge. 22.06.1961. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Fåringsö. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂: Vallentuna. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Båtfors Alvkarleby. 12.9.1982. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: same data. 30.9.1947. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Naturpark Vårdsätra, Bondkyrka. 27.09.1951. O. Lundblad leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂: Stockholm. 18.10.1959. T. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Nacka. 12.11.1967. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Vesteräs-trakten. Sellman leg. (MZHF); SÖDERMANLAND: 1 ♀: Tullinga. 18.06.1930. P.H. Lindberg leg. (MZHF); 1 ♂: Trosa skärg. 5.10.1947. Matthiessen leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: same data. 06.06.1949 (SMNH); SMÅLAND: 1 ♂: Edsbruk. 07.05.1964. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♂: Tranås (NMPC); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: ‘ Sm. ’, ‘ Bhn. ’ (SMNH); ÖSTERGÖTTLAND: 1 ♂: Ekön. 29.10.1961. Enuström leg. (SMNH); HALLAND: 1 ♀: Dagsås-tr. Hall. 26.10.1953. J.Th. Skovgaard leg. (ZMUC); GOTLAND: 1 ♀: Dalhem, Gotland. 04.06.1949. J.Th. Skovgaard leg. (ZMUC); REGION NOT LOCATED: 1 ♀: ‘ Suecia mer.’ (BMNH); 1 ex.: ‘ Suecia’ (ZIN); FINLAND: LAPLAND: 1 ♂: Majjanen. 08.09.1995. S. Blake leg. (BMNH); 1 ♀: Kjelvik (IRSN); OULU: 1 ♂: Kuhmo. Pitfall trap. 03.09.1989. V.N. Kashevarov leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♀: Merikylä. 02.08.2001. O. Trottestam leg. (SMNH); EASTERN FINLAND: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Suomuss. O. Sorsakoski leg. (NMPC); WESTERN FINLAND: 2 ♀♀: Lempäälä. M. Pohjola leg. (MZHF); REGION NOT LOCATED: 2 ♂♂: ‘ Fennia Reitter’ (MHNG); FRANCE: 1 ♂: Savoie. 1900 m a.s.l. 03.09.1993. D.A. Lott leg. (BMNH); SWITZERLAND: 1 ♂: Montana (BMNH); 1 ♂: Valais, Arolla. 07.1907 (BMNH); 1 ♂: Mayeus (BMNH); 1 ♂: Pontresina Grisons (MHNG); 1 ♂: Davoser Tal. 1500-1800 m a.s.l. 09.1934. Wolf leg. (MHNG); ITALY: 2 ♀♀: Val D`Aosta (Arvier), Val Grisanche. A. Focarille leg. (ZFMK); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: Abbazia (NMPC); 1 ♂: [Trentino-Alto Adige] Mendel Pass. 4400 ft. (BMNH); AUSTRIA: SALZBURG: 1 ♀: Tauern. P.E. Klimsch (MZHF); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: Hohe Tauern, Gasteiner Tal, Stockmann leg. (MZHF); 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: Bad Gastein, Grüner Baum, 16- 30.09.1952. G. Benick leg. (MHNG); 1 ♂: Salzburg J. Handerek (MHNG); 1 ♀: Obersulzbachtal. 1700 m a.s.l. 10.09.1980. D. Erber leg. (MHNG); 1 ♂: Obersutzbach Tal. 08.08.1965 D. Erber leg. (MHNG); TYROL: 2 ♂♂: Mayrhofen, Zillert. 02- 15.09.1941. G. Benick leg. (BMNH); 1 ♂: Brasstein. 07.1913. A. Jedlička leg. (NMPC); 1 ♀: ‘ Tyrol’ (IRSN); 1 ♂: ‘ Tyrol Süd’ (MHNG); GERMANY: 1 ♀: Gotzenalm. 16.08.1936 (NMPC); REGION NOT LOCATED: 1 ex.: ‘ Germ. ’ (ZIN); 1 ♀: ‘ Saxonia’ (BMNH); CZECH REPUBLIC: KARLOVY VARY: 2 ♂♂: Sooş. L. Heyrovský leg. (NMPC); HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ: 1 ♂: Johannisbad. Rodt leg. (NMPC); CENTRAL BOHEMIA: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Stromovka (NMPC); 1 ♂: Prague (MZHF); 1 ♀: ‘ Umgebung Prag Dr. Rodt’ (NMPC); 1 ♂: Pečky (NMPC); 1 ♂: Vrané. 16.05.1916. F. Rambousek leg. (MZHF); 2 ♂♂: Dobřickowitz. Rodt leg. (NMPC); SOUTH BOHEMIA: 1 ♀: Hartošice (NMPC); SOUTH MORAVIA: 1 ♀: Bruna. Fleischer leg. (NMPC); MORAVIA- SILESIA: 1 ♀: Lysa Hora. Klička leg. (NMPC); REGION NOT LOCATED: 2 exs.: ‘ Bohem. ’ (ZIN); 1 ♀: ‘ Bohemia’ (ZMUC); 1 ♀: ‘ Moravia Dr. Fleischer’ (NMPC); 1 ♀: ‘ Moravia Musc. ’ (NMPC); 1 ♀: ‘ Moravie’ (IRSN); SLOVAKIA: 1 ♂: Košice. 1919. Machulka leg. (NMPC); 1 ♂: Trenčin. J. Clermont leg. (MHNG); POLAND: 1 ♂: Tatra Mts., Koscieliska Valley. 330 ft. 24.06.1932 (BMNH); LITHUANIA: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: ‘ Zapole Dr. Kliška’, ‘ Pos. Válka Zirin Litva 1917’ (NMPC); LATVIA: DAUGAVPILS: 1 ♂: Ilgas. 12.10.2012. M. Janovska leg. (DUBC); REGION NOT LOCATED: 1 ♂: ‘ Bezkydy Dr. Jureček’ (NMPC); 1 ex: ‘ Livonia’ (ZIN); 1 ex.: ‘ Silesia’ (ZIN); RUSSIA: MURMANSK AREA: 1 ex.: Porchnikha, Rezvoy St. stream. 19.08.1928 (ZIN); 4 exs.: Kola Bay, Srednyaya guba. 28.08.1923. V.Yu. Fridolin leg. (ZIN); 1 ex.: same Bay, Yekaternininskiy Island. 18- 31.07.1900. Iljin leg. (ZIN); 24 exs: Alexandrovsk and Yekaterininskiy Island. 07.09.1925. V.Yu. Fridolin leg. (ZIN); 1 ♂: Kharlov Island, south shore. Under stones. 18.06.1985 (CS); 1 ex.: Lapland Biosphere Reserve. 10.08.1975. Sachevskaya leg. (ZIN); 3 exs.: same data. 21.08.1976 (ZIN); 1 ex.: Imandra. 10.0.1928. Stepanov leg. (ZIN); 1 ex.: Khibiny. 09.09.1928. Cheburova leg. (ZIN); 1 ♀: Khibiny, Kirovsk, botanical garden. 13- 23.09.1986. T.E. Rossolimo leg. (ZMM); 1 ex.: Kandalaksha Nature Reserve. In rotten Leccinum. 17.08.1963 (ZIN); KARELIA: 1 ♀: ‘ Sonostroff’, ‘ J. Sahlb. ’ (MZHF); LENINGRAD AREA: 3 exs.: Saint Petersburg, Olgino. 13.09.2008. V.N. Prasolov leg. (ZIN); 4 exs.: same data, Romanovka. 19.09.2008. (ZIN); 2 exs.: ‘ Petrop [olis].’ (ZIN); 1 ex.: Ligovo. 30.08.2003. G. Jakobson leg. (ZIN); 1 ex.: Taytsy. 05.06.1909. Shtakelberg leg. (ZIN); ARKHANGELSK AREA: 1 ♀: Severnaya. Betula forest. 25.07.1983 (cSh); 7 ♂♂, 13 ♀♀: ‘Fl. Mesen’, ‘B. Poppius’ (MZHF); 2 ♂♂: ‘Solovetsk’, ‘Levander’ (MZHF); TVER AREA: 1 ex.: Bologoye. 10.09.1904 (ZIN); MOSCOW AREA: 1 ex.: Boblovo. 06.05.1906. D. Smirnov leg. (ZIN); YAROSLAVL AREA: 32 exs.: ‘Яросл. У. [Yaroslavskiy uezd]’ (ZIN); KOMI: 2 exs.: Ukhta. Betula forest. 06.09.1975. V. Shilov leg. (ZIN); 1 ♀: ‘Petschora inf.’, ‘O. Kihlman’ (MZHF); NENETS AUTONOMOUS REGION: 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: Maliy Gusinets. 05.08.2010. D. Pilate leg. (DUBC); KHANTY- MANSY AUTONOMOUS REGION: 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀: Sovetskiy District, Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve, right side of Malaya Sosva River near cordon Khangokurt, 61.95660°N 64.24860°E. 93 m a.s.l., in rotten fungi (Boletus edulis, Russula spp., etc.) near forest road. 07.08.2018. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR, cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: Beryozovskiy District, Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve, left side of Malaya Sosva River, near cordon Shukhtungort, 62°39437’N 64°05248’E–62°37498’N 64°09415’E. 32–44 m a.s.l., in gill and pore geophilous fungi along forest road. 16.08.2018. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 2 ♂♂: same District and Nature Reserve, forest road NW cordon Shukhtungort, 62°38493’N 64°08145’E. 37 m a.s.l., in Boletus edulis and geophilous gill fungi. 26.08.2018. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂: same District and Nature Reserve, Malaya Sosva River basin, forest road from cordon Shukhtungort to Svyatoy Sor Lake, 62°37498’N 64°09415’E–62°36748’N 64°05990’E. 32 m a.s.l., in geophilous gill fungi (Amanita spp. etc.). 23.08.2018. A.B.Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: Surgutskiy District, Yuganskiy Nature Reserve, Bolshoy Yugan River, near cordon Kamenniy. In geophilous and epigenous fungi and mosses under those. 24.08.1999. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, 6-7 km downstream mouth of Sugmutenyakh River. In geophilous gill fungi. 21.08.2001 (ZMM); 1 ♀: same data, basin of Ay-Magromsy River, cordon Medvezhiy Ugol. Mosses and litter at the rill bank and at flood-plain with Calamagrostis sp., Ribes spp., Rosa sp., Filipendula ulmaria, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Equisetum sylvaticum, Sphagnum squarrosum, Sph. girgensohnii, Sph. spp., Plagiomnium sp. etc. (+15 C). 20.09.2002 (cR); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data, near cordon Medvezhiy Ugol. In geophilous and epigenous gill fungi (+12°C). 16.09.2002 (ZMM); 1 ♂: same data. In rotten Kuehneromyces mutabilis on trunks at flood-plain of stream (+15С). 20.09.2002 (ZMM); 1 ♂: same District and Nature Reserve, Vachempeu River (right confluent of Bolshoy Yugan River), 3 km SW of Kamenniy codon. In geophilous fungi (Russula spp. etc.). 21.08.1999. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data, Nyogus`yakh River near Kogonchina-2 field research station. River bank: Carex sp. and grasses. 30.08.2000 (ZMM); 2 ♀♀: same data, Nyogus`yakh River, Bisarkina field research station. Mosses and litter at slope swamp among flood-plain forest: Menyanthes trifoliate, Equisetum spp., Sphagnum squarrosum, S.? centrale, S. spp., Nardosmia frigida, Carex spp., Gramineae, Salix sp., Comarum palustre, Filipendula ulmaria,? Tomenthypnum, Plagiomnium sp., etc. 27.07.1998 (ZMM); 1 ♂: same data, near S border of buffer zone of Yuganskiy Nature Reserve, Kolynlor Lake. Flotation of bait of rotten brown cap Boletus. 05.09.2001 (ZMM); 1 ♂: same District, environs of Ugut, basin of Ugutka River. In geophilous fungi. 20.08.1998. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); SVERDLOVSK AREA: 1 ♀: Burmantovo. Pinus forest, in mushrooms. 23.07.1958. A. Rasnitsyn leg. (ZMM); CHELYABINSK AREA: 1 ♂: ‘Zlatoust Taganai’ (NMPC) 3 ♂♂: ‘Taganai: Ural 28.IX.1916 Dr. Jureček’ (NMPC); 1 ex.: Katav-Ivanovsk. 07.1926. Vakulenko leg. (ZIN); TYUMEN AREA: 1 ♂: Uvatskiy District., 8 km S Gornoslinkino, near Tobolsk Field Research Station of Severtsov Institute station. Mosses and litter in Betula forest at high flood-plain of left bank of Irtysh River: Carex globularis, grasses, Equisetum sylvaticum, etc. 30.09.2003. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 2 ♀♀: same data, 10 km S Gornoslinkino. In rotten Russula spp. 02.10.2003 (ZMM); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data. In geophilous gill and pore fungi. 10.09.2003 (ZMM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: Kuznetsk Alatau Nature Reserve, delta of Malaya Bezymennaya Stream, ca. 15 air-km SSW of Belogorsk. 500 m a.s.l., Abies + Pinus taiga. 27- 31.08.1993. S. Golovatch & V. Gratchev leg. (cSh, ZMM); YAMALO- NENETS AUTONOMOUS REGION: 1 ex.: Yamburg. 06.06.2005. V.V. Barovskiy leg. (ZIN); NOVOSIBIRSK AREA: 1 ♀: Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok-Klyuchi. “Genetic” gardening. Forest, carrion traps. 21- 24.07.2008. V.K. & A.V. Zinchenko leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same data. Populus tremula forest, carrion, traps. 27- 31.08.2008. V.K. Zinchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data, 12- 14.09.2008. (cSh); 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀: same data, 03- 05.10.2008. (cSh); ALTAI: 1 ♂: Uymen River. 28.06.1960. A. Rasnitsyn leg. (ZMM); TOMSK AREA: 2 ♀♀: Tomsk, Kislovka. In mushrooms. 09.1972. A. Babenko leg. (ZMM); 1 ex.: Bolshoy Klyuch. A. Jakovlev leg. (ZIN); KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY: 2 ♂♂: Turukhanskiy District, 1-2 km E Mirnoye field research station, “Traktornaya” path. 40 m a.s.l., in rotten cep in forest. 28.08.1984. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (CR); 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: Yeloguy Refuge, Yeloguy River 6 km below Tyna River mouth. In gill fungi (Russula sp., etc.) in pine forest. 19- 22.08.1992. V.B. Semenov leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data. 15.08.1992 (ZMM); 1 ♀: same data, Yeloguy River, 30 km below Kellog, Kushnya River mouth. Forest with Pinus sylvestris, P. sibirica, Larix, Betula, Pleurozium, Hylocomium, in mushrooms and litter under those. 08.09.1993 (cSh); 1 ♂: same District, Kamennyi Dubches River, 30 km below Teulches River mouth. Pinus sibirica, Larix, Abies, Betula, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, Hylocomium, Pleurozium, Cladonia spp., in mosses. 20.09.1992. V.B. Semenov leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂: same data. Slope forest, in mosses (cR); 13 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀: same data, 3 km below Teulches River. Larix, Abies, Betula, Hylocomium, Pleurozium, Cladonia spp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, in mosses. 17- 18.09.1992. V.B. Semenov leg. (cR, cSh, ZMM); 2 ♂♂: same data, 60 km below Teulches River, near hut. 150 m a.s.l., Pinus sibirica and Picea abies forest, with Betula, Polytrichum commune, Pleurozium and Hylocomium. 22.09.1992 (cSh); 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: same data. Picea abies, with Pinus sibirica, Betula sp.: Polytrichum commune, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium. 24.09.1992. V.B. Semenov leg. (cSh, ZMM); 25 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀: same District, basin of Podkamennaya Tunguska River, Rybnaya River (I), near seismological profile (about 40 km up-stream of river mouth). 175 m a.s.l., in gill fungi. 13.09.1990. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♀: same District, Goroshikha. 30.08.1994. L.B. Rybalov leg. (ZMM); 3 ♂♂: same District, Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, Bolhaya Varlamovka River (VI), mouth of Malenkaya River. Litter and mosses in Betula, Picea and Larix forest with Equisetum sylvaticum, Polytrichum commune, Pleurozium, Hylocomium etc. 24.08.1988. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂: Manskiy District, Stolby Nature Reserve, Bazaiskoye forestry, Bolshoy Synzhul Stream, 2 km up-stream of mouth. Mosses and litter in flood-plain and bank of stream. 15.08.1994. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); EVENKIA: 1 ♀: Baykitskiy District, Central Siberian State Reserve, Stolbovaya River (I), 3 km below mouth of Dulkuma River. 85 m a.s.l., riverside drift near stream, flowing from swamp. 08.07.1990. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀: same District, basin of Podkamennaya Tunguska River, environs of Kuz`movka, near Kuz`movskiy Stream. 60 m a.s.l.. In rotten gill fungi and litter under those. 12.08.1989. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♀: same data, 110 m a.s.l., litter and mosses on slope near small streams with Alnus sp., Salix sp., Betula sp. etc. 04.10.1989 (ZMM); TUVA: 5 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀: Todzhenskiy District, Azas Nature Reserve, near cordon at Azas Lake. 940 m a.s.l., left bank of channel: silt and peat among sparse semiaquatic vegetation. 15.06.1991. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); IRKUTSK AREA: 6 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀: Katangskiy District, left side of Chona River near mouth of Miringda River. 18- 25.08.2008. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: Erbogachyon, right side of Nizhnyaya Tunguska River. 18.26- 27.08.2008. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ex.: Kirensk District, left side of Lena River, 12 km up-stream Kirensk. 15.09.1925. L. Bianki leg. (ZIN); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Ust`-Kutskiy District, valley of Bochakta River. 10- 11.08.2008. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Nizhneudinsk District, East Sayan, Tofalaria, Tantal-Niobium field “Zashikhinskoye”, Khailama River. 1300 m a.s.l. 24.07- 03.08.2012. I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: Shelekhovskiy District, Moty. In mushrooms. 21.08.1993. A.V. Shavrin leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: same data. 13.08.1968. T.E. Leiler leg. (SMNH); 1 ♀: Slyudyanskiy District, Marituy. 20- 24.07.1994. A. Shavrin leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same District, Khamar-Daban Mts., upper flow of Slyudyanka River. 15- 16.07.2013. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♂: same data. 1900 m a.s.l. 14.06.1996. A.V. Shavrin leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀: same data, right side of Utulik River, 51°31’14.8’’N 104°01’54.9’’E. 515 m a.s.l. 09, 11.08.2016. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, middle flow of Babkha River. 27.06.2006. A.V. Shavrin leg. (cSh); BURYATIA: 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀: Tunkinskiy District, 15 km W Tagarkhal, BarunKhandagal R. 10.08.2010. K. Skokova leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same District, Zun-Murino. 31.V.1975. V.G. Shilenkov leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Kabanskiy District, Khamar-Daban Mts., upper flow of Osinovka River. 1500 m a.s.l. 25- 31.07.1995. A.V. Shavrin leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same data. 1400-1500 m a.s.l.. 03.08.2009. Yu. Sundukov leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: Pribaykalskiy District, Ilinka. 01.08.1980. A. Voinkov leg. (cSh); CHITA AREA: 3 ♂♂: Kalarskiy District, valley of Chara River, Malaya Chara. 22.08.2009. A. Boiko leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Kyrenskiy District, Bylyra, 50°1’24.5’’N 111°43’35.7’E’. In Clitocybe alexandrii. 07.08.2013. I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); AMUR AREA: 2 ♀♀: Skovorodinskiy District, left side of Urka River, about 16 km N Yerofey Pavlovitch, 54°06’20.95’’N 121°58’03.91’’E. 568 m a.s.l. 31.08- 01.09.2014. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, 4 km N Yerofey Pavlovitch, 54°00’40.89’’N 121°57’43.75’’E. 525 m a.s.l. 26-28.08–02- 03.09.2014. A.V. Shavrin & I.V. Enushchenko leg. (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Selemdzhinskiy District, Ekimchan. 25.08.1979. O.N. Kabakov (ZIN); 2 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀: same District, Selemdzha River basin, 4 km up-stream of Ekimchan, up-steam of Unerikan Rill mouth. 494 m a.s.l., in geophilous gill and pore fungi. 27.08.2006. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂: same data. 495 m a.s.l., in geophilous gill and pore fungi. 28.08.2006 (cR); 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: same data, 5-6 km up-stream of Ekimchan, up-stream of Unerikan Rill mouth. 510 m a.s.l., in geophilous and epigenous fungi. 26.08.2006 (cSh); 9 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀: same data. In geophilous and epigenous fungi. 25.08.2006 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♀: same data, 494 m a.s.l., mosses and leaf litter under Betula platyphylla and Larix gmelinii in birch forest with Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp., Ledum palustre, etc. at riverbank. 24.08.2006 (cSh); 1 ♂: same District, Selemdzha River basin, up-stream of Ekimchan, stream (confluent of Unerikan River), 4-5 km km road to Kharga up-stream winter hut. 600 m a.s.l., mosses and litter under Populus sp., Padus sp., Alnus sp., Salix sp., Picea ajanensis, Betula platyphylla, with Carex spp., grasses, ferns, Pyrola sp., Rosa sp., Ribes sp., Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, Oxalis acetosella, Maianthemum bifolium etc. in floodplain of stream. 01.09.2006. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂: same data, Ekimchan-Kharga road, 1.5 km up-stream of winter road. 550 m a.s.l., mosses and leaf litter under Populus sp. with Poaceae gen. sp., Rosa sp., Ribes sp., Ribes sp., Swida alba, Pyrola sp., spots of Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, Dicranum sp., Plagiomnium sp. etc. in Picea - Abies flood-plain forest. 29.08.2006 (cSh); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same District, Norskiy Reserve, Nora River basin near Meunskiy cordon. In geophilous gill and pore fungi. 18.08.2004. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: same data. 15.08.2004 (CS, ZMM); 1 ♂: same data. Mosses and plant debris at flood-plain of a rill Alnus sp., Carex spp., Poaceae, Trientalis europaea, Convallaria keiskei, Sphagnum squarrosum, Sph. spp., Hypnum sp. etc. 18.08.2004 (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, 260 m a.s.l., larch forest with birch, aspen, Duschekia sp., etc at foot of Ust’-Meunskaya Mt., annulated Boletus. 23.09.2008. E.M. Veselova & A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 4 ♂♂: same data, 270 m a.s.l., NE slope of Ust’-Meunskaya Mt., rotten geophilous gill fungi. 14.09.2008 (cR, cSh); 1 ♀: same data, 275 m a.s.l., W slope of Ust’-Meunskaya Mt., on old Cantharellus cibarius. 14.09.2008 (cSh); 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀: same data, 275 m a.s.l., E slope of Ust’-Meunskaya Mt., larch forest with birch, aspen, Rhododendron dauricum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, etc: rotten annulated Boletus and leaf litter under it. 24.09.2008 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: same data, 280 m a.s.l., larch forest with birch, aspen, Duschekia sp., etc at crest of Ust’-Meunskaya Mt., brown cap Boletus. 23.09.2008 (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, mouth of Meun River. 250 m a.s.l., in white geophilous gill fungus. 17.09.2008 (cSh); 1 ♂: same District, Norskiy Reserve (buffer zone), Burunda River basin, 2 km SE of Burunda cordon, mosses and leaf litter in slope (?unburnt) forest with Betula platyphylla, sparse Poaceae, Carex sp., Rhododendron sp., etc. 26.09.2004. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 3 ♀♀: same data. In geophilous gill fungi. 26.09.2004 (ZMM); 2 ♀♀: same data, 1-3 km NW Burunda cordon. 11.09.2004 (ZMM); 2 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀: same data, Burunda River basin near Burunda cordon, in brown cap Boletus. 09.09.2004.A.B.Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); 5 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀: same data, basin of Nora River near Meunskiy cordon. In geophilous gill and pore fungi. 16.08.2004. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR, cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂: same District, Norsk, bank of Aldikon River. 200 m a.s.l.,? Hypholoma fasciculare on fallen rotten trunk of Betula platyphylla. 23.07.2006. E.M. Veselova & A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same District, Norskiy Reserve, Nora River basin, near hut, 2 km up-stream of Gryashchinskaya Mt. 235 m a.s.l.,?sulfur-tuft near butt of dead standing Betula platyphylla. 07.09.2008. E.M.Veselova & A.B.Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: same data, 1.5-2 km up-stream of Gryashchinskaya Mt., 235 m a.s.l., between hut and lake, in sparse burnt birch-aspen-larch forest, in epigenous gill fungi (? Pholiota) on high stub of Betula platyphylla and in leaf litter under them. 10.09.2008 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♀: same District and Reserve, rill (left confluent of Nora River) up-stream of Gryashchinskaya Mt. True mosses and plant debris among Carex spp., Poaceae, Alnus sp., Padus sp., Salix sp., etc. 26.08.2004. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same data, Nora River basin near Maltsevskiy cordon, in decaying cep. 30.08.2004 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂: Zeyskiy District, near Dugda, young birch forest with Alnus sp., Salix sp., undergrowth of Larix gmelinii, Pleurozium schreberi, Polytrichum sp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea, etc on gentle slope: mosses and leaf litter. 09.10.2008. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂: same data, near cordon 52 km, 54°08526’N E 126°87215’E. 599 m a.s.l., under rotten large cep. 18.08.2016 (ZMM); JEWISH AUTONOMOUS REGION: 1 ♂: Dichun River. 02.09.1978. V.V. Belov leg. (cR); KHABAROVSK AREA: 1 ♀: Verkhnebureinskiy District, Bureinskiy Nature Reserve, right confluent of Levaya Bureya River opposite mouth of Lan River. 620-640 m a.s.l., in epigenous and geophilous fresh and rotten fungi. 24.08.2010. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 5 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same data, left side of Levaya Bureya River below Lan River mouth. 612 m a.s.l., epigenous and geophilous fungi in flood-plain forest. 30.08.2010 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂: same data, right side of Levaya Bureya River near mouth of Lan River. 615 m a.s.l., in geophilous and epigenous fungi and in moss under those. 31.08.2010 (cSh); 1 ♂: same data, Pravaya Bureya River basin up-stream of Medvezhye winter hut. 950 m a.s.l., in bracket-fungus (#54) on birch stub. 01.08.2007 (cR); 1 ♂: same data, right side of Levaya Bureya River opposite Korbokhon River mouth, 51.91634°N 134.86038°E. 796 m a.s.l., flood-plain: under Chosenia arbutifolia and Abies nephrolepis with Sorbaria sorbifolia, Ribes sp., Rosa sp., Rubus idaeus, Carex sp., Vicia sp., Galium sp., Thalictrum sp., Oxalis acetosella, Pleurozium schreberi, etc. 17.07.2016 (cR); 1 ♀: same River and Reserve, 52°12’12’’N 134°23’58’’E. Boreal forest. 11.08.2008. R. Cibuďskis leg. (DUBC); 1 ♂: same District, left side of Olga River valley 3 km up-stream of Sofiysk, 880 m a.s.l., mosses, leaf litter and plant debris on gentle slope near rill amid mari with hummocks of Sphagnum spp., Carex ? globularis, C. spp., Poaceae gen. spp., Ledum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea, Polytrichum sp., Hypnum sp., Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Betula spp., etc. 19.08.2008. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same District, left side of Olga River, valley, 2-3 km up-stream of Sofiysk. 870 m a.s.l., in rotten geophilous fungi. 20.08.2008. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same District, lower reaches of Verkhniy Mel’gin River near 1st rapid, 300-350 m a.s.l., moss and litter on steep rocky SE slope with Betula platyphylla, Abies nephrolepis, Larix gmelinii, Acer ukurunduense, Rhododendron dauricum, Poaceae gen. spp., Carex sp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Linnaea borealis, Maianthemum bifolium, Trientalis europaea, Ledum sp., Alnus sp., ferns, Equisetum pratense, Hylocomium splendens, Sphagnum girgensohnii, Dicranum sp., Ptilium crista-castrensis, Polytrichum commune, etc. 18.08.2009. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); 2 ♂, 3 ♀♀: same District, near Niman cordon of Bureinskiy Nature Reserve, 52°08.48’N 134°13.54’’E. 1035 m a.s.l., mushroom bait (flotation). 18.08.2008. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀: same District, near Niman cordon of Bureinskiy Nature Reserve, Pavlovskiy stream valley near mouth. 1060 m a.s.l., in flood-plain forest, in geophilous fungi: Coprinus sp., Pholiota sp., etc. 16.08.2008. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 8 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀: same data, Pavlovskiy Stream canyon. 1110 m a.s.l. in geophilous gill fungi. 13.08.2000 (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♂: same District, NW of Chegdomyn, left side of Urgal River near bridge of the Chegdomyn-Shakhtinskiy road, 51°11.097’N 132°59.863’E. 349 m a.s.l., mosses, leaf litter and soil on steep rocky slope with Abies nephrolepis, Picea ajanensis, Duschekia sp., Rhododendron dauricum, Sorbaria sorbifolia, Rosa sp., Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Sphagnum ? girgensohnii, Sph. sp. Carex sp., Poaceae gen. sp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Ledum palustre, Viola sp., etc., with pika burrows. 05.09.2015. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); 1 ♂: same District, Tyrma River below Alanap village, near thermal spring, 50°03.32’N 131° 51.00’E. 290-350 m a.s.l., moss and litter in fold with Abies nephrolepis, Tilia amurensis, Acer ukurunduense, Corylus mandshurica, Padus spp., Betula platyphylla, Alnus sp., ferns, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, etc. 09.08.2009. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); 6 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀: same District, Dublikanskiy Nature Refuge near cordon. 350 m a.s.l., in rotten and fresh geophilous fungi. 01.09.2009. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR, cSh, ZMM); 8 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀: same data. 02.09.2009 (cR, cSh, ZMM); 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same data. 350 m a.s.l., in rotten geophilous fungi. 03.09.2009 (cSh, ZMM); 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀: same District and Nature Refuge, right side of Dublikan River valley, 1-3 km up-stream of cordon. 350-370 m a.s.l., in bear excrement on forest road. 03.09.2009 (cR); 7 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀: same District, Dublikan-Soloni road near pass. 650 m a.s.l., in rotten ceps and litter under those. 05.09.2009. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh, ZMM); 1 ♀: same District, Bureya River, near mouth of Sentapoy River. 700 m a.s.l., mosses and litter, soil under Larix gmelinii, Betula platyphylla, Rhododendron dauricum, Duschekia sp., Pinus pumila, Ledum sp., Vaccinium viris-idaea, Pleurozium schreberi, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Dicranium sp. etc. on S slope of mountain. 03.09.2010. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀: same District, Ust’-Urgal Nature Park (project), near Semicha River mouth. 280 m a.s.l., in rotten fungi and leaf litter under those. 30.08.2009. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); 1 ♂: same data, in geophilous and epigenous fungi, moss and litter under those. 27.08.2009 (cR); 1 ♂: same District, near Ust’-Urgal, NW slope of Zmeinaya Mt., 51°07.215’N 132°31.681’E. 287- 296 m a.s.l., mosses and litter on rocky slope with Duschekia sp., Larix gmelinii, Betula platyphylla, Populus tremula, Rosa sp., Rhododendron dauricum, Ledum sp., Poaceae gen. spp., Pyrola sp., Oxalis acetosella, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Sphagnum sp., etc. 12.08.2015. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (cR); 1 ♂: same District, minor stream (right confluent of Egono River), 50°42.382’N 133°32.492’E. 685 m a.s.l., mosses and litter among Lonicera caerulea, Spiraea sp., Sorbaria sorbifolia, Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp., etc. near the stream. 25.08.2015. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); 1 ♀: same District, Bureya River basin up-stream of Usman’ River mouth. 520-600 m a.s.l., mosses, leaf litter, soil on rocky N slope of mountain (watershed of Ippata and Bureya rivers) with Betula sp., Picea ajanensis, Abies nephrolepis, Sorbus sp., Larix gmelinii, Rhododendron dauricum, Alnus sp., Padus asiatica, Duschekia sp., Swida alba, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, Ptilium crista-castrensis, Sphagnum squarrosum, Sph. spp., Polytrichum ? commune, ferns (collected), Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp., etc., with pika’s burrows. 10.09.2012. A.B. Ryvkin leg. (ZMM); MAGADAN AREA: 1 ♂: Ten`kinskiy District, Aborigen field research station. Alpine bell, swamp near rill. 23.08.1984. K.Yu. Es`kov leg. (cSh); 1 ♀: same data, environs of Sibit-Tyellakh. Southern slope, Betula forest with grasses. 21.07.1984. K.Yu. Yeryomin leg. (ZMM); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: same District, basin of Detrin River, Vakkhanks Stream. Larix forest in valley, traps. 05- 25.10.1980. S.P. Bukhkalo leg. (cSh, ZMM); KAMCHATKA TERRITORY: 1 ex.: Esso. 15.08.1990. Pavlenko leg. (ZIN); REGION NOT LOCATED: 1 ♀: ‘Sibérie occ.’ (IRSN); KAZAKHSTAN: 1 ♂: Altai, Tautekeli, Karakoba River. 11.08.1989. V. Kastcheev leg. (ZIN); 1 ♂, 1 ♀: same data. 16.08.1988. (cSh); 1 ♂: same data, Marchikha River. 12.07.1989. (ZIN).

Redescription. Measurements (n=250): HL: 0.40–0.45; HW: 0.58–0.73; AL: 1.04–1.35; OL: 0.14–0.23; PL: 0.55–0.77; PW: 0.93–1.15; ESL: 1.26–1.42; EW: 1.23–1.52; AW: 1.16–1.30; MTbL (averaged): 0.67; MTrL (averaged): 0.32 (MTrL 1–4: 0.17; MTrL 5: 0.15); AedL: 0.58–0.75; TL: 2.70–4.50.

Body slightly elongate, moderately wide, subconvex (Fig. 2). Head, antennomeres 4–11, pronotum and abdomen brown to reddish-brown (sometimes abdomen paler); lateral and basal portions of pronotum, elytra and paratergites yellow-brown to brown; mouthparts and antennomeres 1–3 yellow; legs yellow to yellow-brown. Body shiny; head with distinct, dense microsculpture, transverse on clypeus, usually with diagonal cellular-shaped meshes between supra-antennal elevation and anterior margin of eye, isodiametric or transverse and sometimes sparser in middle portion and diagonal and/or isodiametric microreticulation on infraorbital ridges (some specimens with indistinct meshes in middle); neck with transverse microsculpture; pronotum with very indistinct or distinct isodiametric microreticulation, usually missing in mediobasal third (some specimens without meshes on pronotum); scutellum with or without very fine and transverse microsculpture; abdomen with dense, transverse or isodiametric microreticulation, denser on abdominal tergite VII. Head with small and dense punctation, finer and sparser in apical portion of vertex, denser and coarser in middle (some specimens with very fine and sparse punctation, and sometimes without punctures in narrow portions along inner sides of anteocellar foveae and/or between ocelli); middle part of neck with sparse and fine punctation, sometimes sparser and indistinct than that in middle part of head; pronotum with punctation about as that in middle portion, but markedly sparser and sometimes slightly coarser and deeper, finer in middle and/or mediobasal third; scutellum with irregular, very fine and sparse punctation; punctation of elytra slightly sparser, coarser and deeper than that on pronotum, finer in parascutellar portion and along suture, and denser, coarser and deeper in apical portion, with interspaces between punctures in middle about as long as threefour nearest punctures, on each elytron forming very tangled and vague six to eight longitudinal rows of punctures; abdominal tergites with or without sparse and very indistinct fine punctation. Body glabrous; clypeus with several moderately long tactile setae on apical and sometimes lateral portions; middle part of pronotum and each elytron with irregular and sparse, short and erest setae; abdominal tergites with very sparse and short small setae.

Head 1.4–1.6 times as broad as long, more or less flattened, with slightly elevated middle and basal portions, with distinct, moderately deep and transverse impressions near antennal insertion and distinct, moderately deep and long anteocellar foveae, diagonally directed toward antennal insertion, reaching level of apical third or apical margin of eye; postocular ridges acute or obtuse and sometimes indistinct, with surface between postocular ridge and posterior margin of eye as long as two or three nearest combined ommatidia; anterior portion between antennal insertion and anterior margin of eye short, with deep semicircular notch. Ocelli large, convex, situated at level of postocular ridges; distance between ocelli slightly longer than distance between ocellus and posterior margin of eye. Labrum with widely rounded membranous latero-apical portions, wide apical emargination and long, narrow basolateral projections (Fig. 46). Mandibles short, with moderately wide basal and elongate apical portions, with distinct subtriangular tooth in middle of right mandible (Fig. 47). Labium and labial palpomeres moderately wide (Fig. 49). Mentum as in Fig. 50. Maxilla as in Fig. 48; apical segment of maxillary palpomere about twice as long as preapical segment. Gular sutures with widely rounded apical parts, widely diverging posteriad; distance between sutures wide, shortest distance located at level of posterior third of eyes (Fig. 51). Antenna exceeding shoulders of elytra when reclined or slightly longer; basal antennomere more than two and a half times as long as broad, antennomere 2 moderately small, subovoid, slightly narrower and 1.6–1.8 times as long as basal antennomere, 3 distinctly longer than 2, 4–5 shorter than 3, 6–7 slightly shorter and broader than 5, 8–9 slightly shorter and broader than 7, 10 transverse, slightly shorter and broader than 9, apical antennomere about twice as long as preapical antennomere or slightly shorter, from middle gradually narrowed toward subacute apex.

Pronotum 1.4–1.6 times as broad as long, 1.5–1.6 times as broad as head, widest in middle, evenly narrowed both anteriad and posteriad; apical margin widely rounded, about as long as or slightly shorter than rounded posterior margin; anterior angles widely rounded, not or slightly protruded anteriad; posterior angles widely rounded; middle portion distinctly and evenly elevated, with or without indistinct longidudinal impression in middle, lateral portions slightly impressed, with deep oval pit slightly in front of middle. Prothorax with moderately long intercoxal process and widely protruded mesosternal processes (Fig. 52). Mesoventrite transverse, narrow in middle, with subacute intercoxal process, reaching posterior margin of procoxae (Fig. 55). Scutellum with narrowed apically, rounded apex (Fig. 53). Metaventrite transverse, with wide and deep intercoxal cavities and wide intercoxal process (Fig. 56). Metendosternite as in Fig. 57.

Elytra about as long as broad, more than twice as long as pronotum or slightly shorter, slightly broadened posteriad, reaching apical margin of abdominal tergite III or V, with straight or rounded apical margins; shoulders of elytra widely rounded, not protruded apicad (Fig. 54); lateral portions narrow, slightly explanate. Hind wings fully developed.

Legs moderately long and slender, meso- and metatibiae covered by dense and stout spines (stouter on mesotibiae), finer on inner sides, with several stout setae on apical margins near apex; metatarsus about twice as long as metatibia.

Abdomen distinctly narrower than elytra, with a pair of rounded tomentose wing-folding spots in middle of tergite V, with distinct, narrow palisade fringe on apical margin of abdominal tergite VII.

Male. Protarsomeres 1–4 wide. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII slightly (Fig. 58) and sternite VIII widely and deeply (Fig. 59) sinuate. Aedeagus with very wide basal bulb, gradually narrowed toward widely rounded ot truncate apex; parameres slightly exceeding apex of median lobe, with two short apical and two preapical setae; internal sac very long, spirally folded in basal bulb, with several large subtriangular teeth in basal portion (Figs. 63, 69–80). Lateral aspect of aedeagus as in Fig. 44.

Female. Protarsomeres 1–4 narrow. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII truncate (Fig. 60). Apical margin of abdominal sternite VIII widely rounded (Fig. 61). Genital segment as in Fig. 62.

Comparative notes. Regarding the general shape of the body and the aedeagus, and the presence of several large subtriangular teeth in the internal sac of the aedeagus, A. tectum is similar to the Siberian A. frigidum, from which it can be distinguished by finer punctation of the pronotum, weakly pronounced anterior angles of the pronotum, and narrower apical portions of the parameres.

Distribution. Anthobium tectum is widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region (Fig. 81), from the British Isles across Europe eastwards to Kamchatka Peninsula and Maritime Province of the Russian Far East.

Natural history. Based on published and new data, the specimens of A. tectum were collected at elevations from 10 to 2400 m a.s.l. The species inhabits deciduous forests with Betula, Populus, Alnus, Duschekia, etc., coniferous forests with Pinus, Abies, Picea, Larix, mixed forests, and unforested and disturbed habitats. Specimens of A. tectum can be collected in various mushrooms (more common in rotten and fresh fungi), in litter and mosses, compost, rotten hay and other organic remains, carrion, on sap flows of wounded trees, excrements (cows, dog, bear, human, etc.), occasionally in rotting wood, from under bark, etc. The beetles were observed during the period from March to November, with the greatest number of specimens captured during late summer and autumn.

Remarks. Anthobium tectum is one of the common species of the genus in the Palaearctic Region. Staphylinus tectus, the type species of the genus Deliphrum, was originally described from “ Suecia ”. This species was redescribed numerous times and included to the European keys (see above), and many times was recorded from the Palaearctic Region, especially from Europe (e.g. Horion 1963, Herman 2001). Gravenhorst (1806) described Omalium laeve Gravenhorst, 1806 from “Borussia”. Later, C. Sahlberg (1830) synonymized this name with O. tectum. J. Sahlberg (1876) proposed D. tectum var. picipennis J. Sahlberg, 1876 without description and any additional data. This is an unavailable name, and data about the type specimen was provided by Silfverberg (1988): “ Deliphrum tectum var. Holotype from USSR (Murmansk obl.:) Soukelo (error, should be Porjeguba), J. Sahlb., J.Sahlb. ded., 1057”. Anthobium tectum was recorded from late-glacial subfossils in the Great Britain (Pearson 1962).

In the present study, A. tectum is reported from several Russian administrative regions for the first time: Nenets, Khanty-Mansy, Yamalo-Nenets and Jewish autonomous regions, Tver, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Chita and Amur area, Altai, Evenkia, Tuva, and Khabarovsk Territory.