Streetsia steenstrupi (Bovallius, 1887)

Oxycephalus Steenstrupi Bovallius, 1887: 37.

Streetsia steenstrupi.— Brusca, 1981: 13 (list), 33 (key), fig. 23c, j; Stebbing, 1888: 365 (key), 371; Vinogradov et al., 1996: 511 (key), 514‒516, fig. 223; García Madrigal, 2007: 158 (list); Gasca, 2009: 89 (tab. 1); Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 142 (tab. 1), 152 (appendix); Lavaniegos, 2014: 5 (tab. 1); Valencia et al., 2013: 52 (tab. 1); Zeidler, 2016: 93‒96 (passim), 96 (key).

Material examined. 2M in one locality (Fig. 5).

TALUD IV. St. 15 (23°23’30”N, 107°47’48”W), August 24, 2000, 2M, MN from surface to 1500 m (TD, 2350 m) (ICML-EMU-12981).

Distribution. Tropical and subtropical oceans. In the eastern Pacific from California to Panama (Vinogradov et al. 1996, García Madrigal 2007, Valencia et al. 2013). Present in the SE Gulf of California (this study).

Remarks. The two males examined were young specimens (about 7 mm long). Both feature the characteristics of S. steenstrupi.

Not recorded previously by Siegel-Causey (1982) in the Gulf of California, Streetsia steenstrupi has been previously reported from the Mexican portion of the California Current (Lavaniegos & Hereu 2009, Lavaniegos 2014). During our survey it was recorded only in one locality in the Gulf of California (Fig. 5).