Cuora amboinensis (Daudin, 1802:309)

Holotype: MNHN, according to Bourret (1941:149); although Bour (in Rummler & Fritz 1991:36) reported that the type was lost at sea before Daudin ever saw it.

Testudo melanocephala Van-Ernest in Daudin 1801:128

Holotype: Not located; possibly originally in the MNHN, but apparently lost (Bour, pers. comm.).

Emys melanogaster Bleeker in Gray 1864:12

Holotype: three specimens in the BMNH are registered as purchased from Bleeker (1863.12.4.48, 1863.12.4.121, and 1863.12.11.139), one of which is presumably the type; BMNH 1863.12.4.121 listed as this taxon by Gray (1873:21).

Emys hypselonotus Bleeker in Gray 1864:12

Holotype: three specimens in the BMNH are registered as purchased from Bleeker (1863.12.4.48, 1863.12.4.121, and 1863.12.11.139), one of which is presumably the type; BMNH 1863.12.4.139 listed as this taxon by Gray (1873:22).

Emys gastrotaenia Bleeker in Gray 1873:21

Holotype: three specimens in the BMNH are registered as purchased from Bleeker (1863.12.4.48, 1863.12.4.121, and 1863.12.11.139), one of which is presumably the type; BMNH 1863.12.4.48 listed as this taxon by Gray (1873:21).

Cuora amboinensis couro (Lechenault in Schweigger 1812:315)

Holotype: MNHN 7931 (Rummler & Fritz 1991:43, photographed therein, Figs. 6, 7, 10; Ceríaco & Bour 2012:19); illustrated in Oppel (1811: Pl. 21– 22; reproduced in Bour & Schmidtler 2014:27), and photographed in Bour & Schmidtler (2014:27).

Terrapene bicolor Bell 1826:485

Syntypes (2): Not located; presumably originally in the OUM (Nowak-Kemp & Fritz 2010:6, 8); one illustrated in the original description (Pl. XVI).

Emys (Cistuda) amboinensis leveriana Gray 1830: 7

Holotype: Not located; presumably originally in the BMNH.

Cuora amboinensis kamaroma Rummler & Fritz 1991:39

Holotype: ZMH 277 (photographed in the original description, Figs. 6, 7, 10, 12; Hallerman 1998:211); paratypes (12), MNHN 2032:1- 2; RMNH 14902:1-2; SMF 64641 and 68190; SMNS 5480, 5484:1-2, and 7493; and ZMH 276 and 278.

Cuora amboinensis lineata McCord & Philippen 1998:54

Holotype: USNM 122189; paratypes (at least 46), ZMA 19223 -24 (but never deposited there; Reynolds et al. 2007:22), two live specimens in Philippen’s private collection (intended for deposit in the MTDK) and 42 live specimens in the McCord’s private collection (intended for deposit in the UF or PCHP collections).