Data from: Sperm longevity and salinity – the overlooked importance of spawning environment for alternative reproductive tactics Authors: Svensson, O. Kvarnemo, C. Green, L. Methods of data processing and analysis: data was collected from published studies. Sperm longevities are average time point (in seconds) until only 5% of sperm remained motile for each tactic, either by calculating it from the data provided by the studies, or by extracting this value from figures. Key of definitions of variable names, column headings and row labels: Species: The species of the study and for Salmo salar study location Salinity: The salinity in which sperm longevity was measured (same as male native salinity) Temperature: The temperature in which sperm longevity was measured ART_highest_longevity: which of the two alternative reprocuctive tactics which has significantly higher sperm longevity than the other. Sneaker = sneaker male and dominant = dominant male. NS = no significant difference Longevity_sneaker_s: Sperm longevity of sneaker males Longevity_dominant_s: Sperm longevity of dominant males Longevity_sneak_log10: Sperm longevity of sneaker males log10 transformed Longevity_dominant_log10: Sperm longevity of dominant males log10 transformed Longevity_sneaker_s_Ss_pooled: Sperm longevity of sneaker males Salmo salar from same temeperature pooled (Salmo salar 1 and Salmo salar 2 as well as Salmo salar 3 and Salmo salar 4) Longevity_dominant_s_Ss_pooled: Sperm longevity of dominant males Salmo salar from same temeperature pooled (Salmo salar 1 and Salmo salar 2 as well as Salmo salar 3 and Salmo salar 4) Longevity_sneak_log10_Ss_pooled: Sperm longevity of sneaker males Salmo salar from same temeperature pooled (Salmo salar 1 and Salmo salar 2 as well as Salmo salar 3 and Salmo salar 4) log10 transformed Longevity_dominant_log10_Ss_pooled: Sperm longevity of dominant males Salmo salar from same temeperature pooled (Salmo salar 1 and Salmo salar 2 as well as Salmo salar 3 and Salmo salar 4) log 10 tranformed Reference: The study with the original data Dominant: The sperm longevity was significantly higher for dominant bourgeois males than for sneaker parasitic males Sneaker: The sperm longevity was significantly lower for dominant bourgeois males than for sneaker parasitic males NS: No significant difference in sperm longevity between dominant bourgeois males and sneaker parasitic males n/a: Not available. This is because Salmo salar tested in the same temperature intervall were pooled and that we also give the dta for all Salmo salar studies