Rhizocrinus lofotensis Sars, 1868

Rhizocrinus lofotensis Sars, 1868: 39, plates I–IV.— Pourtalès 1869: 357.— Thomson 1872: 770–772.— Carpenter 1877: 35– 53.— Ludwig 1877: 101–128.— Perrier 1883a: 450; 1883b: 223.— Carpenter et al. 1884: 356, 370, 371, 372, 377.— Rathbun 1886: 63.—A.H. Clark 1908b: 538, 539; 1908e: 265; 1909g: 215; 1913b: 5; 1917b: 391; 1954: 374.— Moore 1967: 7, fig. 11a–b.—Barel & Krames 1977: 89, 91, 105.— Meyer & Macurda 1977: 74.— Roux 1977b: 29, 39.— Besteiro & Urgorri 1988: 11.— Messing et al. 1988: 481.— Bohn & Heinzeller 1999: 242, 243 (tables), 245, 247, fig. 1i–j.— Schiaparelli et al. 2007: 1550 (table), 1552.— Etter & Hess 2015: 8887, 8891, 8894, fig. 4.— Buhl-Mortensen et al. 2010: 27, fig. 6a; 2012: 711, 713, fig. 51.6.— Oliveira et al. 2010: 2, fig. 1d.— Roux et al. 2019: 80.

Conocrinus lofotensis: Roux 1977b: 29.— Messing & Dearborn 1990: 5, 9 (key), 22, 28, fig. 4a–d.— Solís-Marin et al. 2013: 603 (appendix).

Rhizocrinus verrilli A.H. Clark, 1908d: 207–208; 1908b: 539.

Type locality. Lofoten Islands, Skraaven, Norway, Arctic Ocean.

Type material. USNM 35773 (Syntype).

Geographic and bathymetric range. Amphi-atlantic. Northeastern Atlantic (West of Ireland, south and west of the Faeroe Islands (between southeastern Greenland and Iceland), Northwestern Atlantic (Davis Straits southward to Massachusetts, possibly off northern Florida) (Messing & Dearborn 1990), and Southwestern Atlantic (Brazil) (Solís-Marín et al. 2013), at depths from 140 to 3,475 m (Messing & Dearborn 1990).

Brazilian localities. Alagoas and Rio de Janeiro (Carpenter 1888; Oliveira et al. 2010).