Menigratopsis Dahl, 1945

(Fig. 25)

Menigratopsis Dahl, 1945: 2.—J.L. Barnard, 1969: 349.— Just, 1976: 2.— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 438 (key), 501.

Type species. Menigratopsis svennilssoni Dahl, 1945, monotypy.

Included species. Menigratopsis includes one species: M. svennilssoni Dahl, 1945.

Diagnostic description. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 without anterodistal lobe; accessory flagellum with an elongate article 1 (at least twice as long as article 2) partially covering callynophore. Antenna 2 without brush setae. Mandible molar plate-like. Maxilla 1 outer plate with 10 well-developed setal-teeth in modified 7/4 crown. Maxilla 2 inner plate subequal in length to outer plate. Gnathopod 1 weakly subchelate, appearing simple; coxa 1 large, about as long as coxa 2, subrectangular with straight anterior margin; ischium short (length less than 2 × breadth); carpus long (length 2 to 4 × breadth); propodus margins tapering distally. Uropod 2 inner ramus not constricted. Telson moderately to deeply cleft.

Remarks. Based on the weakly subchelate gnathopod 1 with a long carpus and the moderately or deeply cleft telson Menigratopsis is similar to Cicadosa, Des and Parschisturella. It differs from these genera in its peculiar plate-like mandibular molar and maxilla 2 with the inner and outer plates subequal in length.

Distribution. North-east Atlantic Ocean.