BN: Mnium tetragonum Hedw.,

Sp. Musc. Frond.: 73. 1801.

CN / SY: Conostomum tetragonum (Hedw.) Lindb., Öfvers. Förh. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. 20: 392. 1863.

PL: none.

LI: [Conostomum boreale a pita e Suec. Sw. b. e Groenland c. ex Angl. Turner.]

LT: FRAHM & al. (1996: 106), “in alpibus scoticis, Ben Lomond, Dickson s.n. (holotypus BM [BM000079531])”.

Note: The typification of FRAHM & al. (1996) was inadvertently omitted in PRICE (2005). The Hedwig herbarium sheet present in G [G 00040081] and depicted in PRICE (2005: Fig. 246), annotated “ Conostomum boreale ” contains potential type material for Swartz’s Conostomum boreale Sw. that was described in 1806.