BN: Bryum dichotomum Hedw.,

Sp. Musc. Frond.: 183, t. XLII, f. 8-12. 1801.

CN / SY: Bryum dichotomum Hedw., Sp. Musc. Frond.: 183. 1801.

PL: Nova Seelandia.

LI: Bryum dichotomum Spec. Musc. p. 183. t. 42, f. 8-12. aus Neu Seeland.

LT: OCHYRA & al. (2008: 462), lectotype in G, “the third shoot from the left on the sheet labelled ‘ Bryum dichotomum Spec. Musc. p. 183. t. 42, f. 8-12. aus Neu Seeland’ – G-Hedwig/ Schwägrichen”. [G 00040365].

Figure: PRICE (2005: Fig. 35).