Lithobius cf. stejnegeri (Bollman, 1893)

Lithobius cf. stejnegeri Tuf, 2007: 64.

Habitat records. “Woods”, “meadow” (Tuf 2007).

Remarks. Some aberrant or undeveloped specimens from SW Altai [Kz31, Kz34] were preliminarily determined as L. cf. stejnegeri (Bollman, 1893) by Tuf (2007). These specimens can belong to another (mentioned in the general list) species (I.H. Tuf, unpublished).

L. (Ezembius) stejnegeri (Bollman, 1893) is known from Alaska and Russian Far East (Kamchatka Peninsula, Popov, Iturup, the Pribilof, Commander Islands, and some Aleutian Islands) (Zalesskaja 1978; Eason 1996; Farzalieva et al. 2017b).