Genus Pristoderus Hope, 1840

Pristoderus Hope, 1840: 145. Type species: Dermestes scaber Fabricius, 1775: 57, by original designation.

Ulonotus Erichson, 1845: 255. Type species: Bolitophagus antarcticus White, 1846: 12, by subsequent monotypy of Lacordaire, 1854: 360.

Tarphiomimetes Wollaston, 1873: 9. Type species: Tarphiomimetes lawsoni Wollaston, 1873: 11, designated by Ivie & ŚlipiĤski, 1990: 9.

Dryptops Broun, 1882: 763. Type species: Dryptops dorsalis Broun, 1882: 763, designated by Ivie & ŚlipiĤski, 1990: 8.

Sparactus Erichson, 1845: 256. Type species: Ditoma interrupta Erichson, 1842: 215, by monotypy. Synonymised in ŚlipiĤski & Lawrence, 1997: 406.

Recyntus Broun, 1882: 293. Type species: Ulonotus tuberculatus Broun, 1880: 191, by original designation.

Enarsus Pascoe, 1866: 444. Type species: Enarsus bakewellii Pascoe, 1866: 445, by monotypy.

Key to the Australian and Papuan species of Pristoderus

1. Pronotum anteriorly with median prominent somewhat bicarinate process covering head from above (P. saccharatus group).................................................................................................... 2.

- Pronotum without median prominent process (P. interruptus group)............................................ 11.

2. Pronotum with lateral notch near base very narrow, circular and almost closed.................... saccharatus (Pascoe)

- Pronotum with lateral notch near base wide to obsolete, never almost closed..................................... 3.

3. Tubercles on crest of 3 rd elytral interval high, digitiform, and indistinctly joined................................... 4.

- Tubercles on crest of 3 rd elytral interval (at least at base) clearly joined, elongate forming an apparent costae; lateral edge of pronotum variable.................................................................................... 5.

4. 8–9 regular lobes on lateral edge of pronotum; pronotal process in lateral view strongly sloping posteriorly; basal tubercle on 5 th elytral interval high and sharply pointed...................................................... chloreus sp. n.

- 6 lobes on lateral edge of pronotum; pronotal process in lateral view slightly sloping posteriorly; basal tubercle on 5 th elytral interval low............................................................................. duvalensis sp. n.

5. Pronotum with lateral notch narrow and circular............................................................ 6.

- Pronotum with lateral notch broad and widely open.......................................................... 7.

6. Elytral crest on 3 rd interval in lateral aspect even from base to apex. Body narrower (ratio max length/max width: = 1.9 –2.0) [N. Guinea, N. Britain]........................................................ phytophorus (Samuelson) comb. n.

- Elytral crest on 3 rd interval distinctly uneven and the apical part strongly raised. Body stouter (ratio max length/max width: = 1.8–1.9) [Australia]........................................................................ cornutus sp. n.

7. Elytra about as long as wide. Pronotal process stout and reaching anterior margin of head; in lateral view only slightly sloping posteriorly............................................................................... monteithi sp. n.

- Elytra 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide. Pronotal process narrower and not reaching anterior margin of head, in lateral view more strongly sloping posteriorly............................................................................. 8.

8. Elytral crest on 3 rd interval almost straight and very uneven, in lateral aspect the apical part more raised into posteriorly directed process...................................................................................... 9.

- Elytral crest on 3 rd interval strongly zigzag, touching 5 th interval, in lateral view almost entirely on the same level from base to apex............................................................................................... 10.

9. Elytral tubercles distinctly pointed; antennomere III about 2 times as long as wide; lateral notch of pronotum widely open............................................................................................ spinosus sp. n.

- Elytral tubercles weakly pointed; antennomere III about 3 times as long as wide; small tooth partially closing lateral notch of pronotum................................................................................ occultus sp. n.

10. Pronotal process not reaching anterior pronotal angles, strongly sloping posteriorly; lateral notch near base deep and wide; elytra with darker central and lateral portions..................................................... zigzag (Carter)

- Pronotal process reaching more forward beyond anterior angles, less strongly sloping posteriorly; lateral notch near base low and narrower; elytra with darker central and apical portions...................................... tomentosus sp. n.

11. Pronotal margins deeply lobate........................................................ pustulosus (Blackburn)

- Pronotal edges serrate to microdenticulate but never deeply lobate............................................. 12.

12. Pronotum widest near middle or subparallel; edges smooth to microdenticulate.................................. 13.

- Pronotum widest at anterior angles, strongly prominent; abruptly narrowing posteriorly; edges crenulate to denticulate... 16.

13. Small (length 4.8–5.7 mm) light brown body; pronotum subparallel; supraorbital carina indistinct....... repandus (Reitter)

- Large (length 6.8 –11.0 mm) black to piceous body; pronotum widest near middle; supraorbital carina distinct.......... 14.

14. Supraorbital carina distinctly raised; low tubercles on 3 rd, 5 th and 7 th intervals.................... elongatus (Blackburn)

- Supraorbital carina indistinctly raised; 3 rd, 5 th and 7 th intervals costate........................................... 15.

15. Antennomere II subcylindrical; III about 1.5 times as long as II.................................... occidentalis sp. n.

- Antennomere II subglobous; III about twice as long as II............................. queenslandicus (Carter & Zeck)

16. Elytral costae on 3 rd, 5 th and 7 th intervals entire............................................... productus (Reitter)

- At least two elytral costae interrupted..................................................................... 17.

17. Antennomere III much longer than II (Fig. 6 a); strong apical tubercle on third elytral interval raised and angulate apically.............................................................................................. bellus sp. n.

- Antennomere III about as long as II (Fig. 6 c); apical tubercle on third elytral interval not raised or angulate apically..... 18.

18. Elytron with 7 th interval entirely carinate; tubercles on 3 rd interval subequal or less prominent to those on 5 th interval, irregular; clypeus with lateral angle pointed; dorsum flattened......................................... interruptus (Erichson)

- Elytron with 7 th interval irregularly tuberculate; tubercles on 3 rd interval more prominent to those on 5 th interval, regular; clypeus with lateral angle obtuse; dorsum convex............................................ leai (Carter & Zeck)