Coryphcenoides filicauda.

Snout considerably projecting beyond the mouth, pointed in the middle; it is twice as long as the eye, which is unusually small, only half as wide as the interorbital space. Mouth rather wide, extending beyond the centre of the eye. Teeth villiform, in very narrow bands. Barbel minute. Preeoperculum with the angle produced backwards, broadly rounded and crenulate on the margin. The terminal portion of the tail is prolonged into a long filament, more slender than in any of the other species. Scales thin, cycloid, and deciduous, six or seven in a transverse series between the first dorsal spine and the lateral line. The second dorsal spine slender, with the barbs in front very inconspicuous and sometimes entirely absent. The distance between the two dorsal fins is less than the length of the head.

Deep sea on both sides of the South-American continent; Antarctic Ocean. (Stations 157, 299, 325.) 1800-2650 fathoms.