42. Scopelus Mülleri (Gmel.), Collett.

Salmo Mülleri, Gmelin’s Linnæus, Systema Naturæ, I., 1788, p. 1378.

Scopelus glacial is, Reinhardt, Oversigt Kgl. I). Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Aph. VI. p. ex., Copenhagen, 1837.

Scopelus Mülleri, Collett, Norges Fiske Tillaegsh. til. Forli. Vid. Selsk., Christiania, 1874, p. 152. Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, 1876-1878, Fiske, 1880, p. 158.

This species, known hitherto only from the coast of Greenland and the northern shores of Norway, has been frequently taken during the past two years, by the V. S. Fish Commission, off the southern shores of New England, and was also obtained by the " Blake" at the stations mentioned below.

The following specimens, all in bad condition, were obtained.