5. R. pimpinellifolia L.,

Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2: 1062 (1759) (R. spinosissima L. pro parte, R. myriacantha DC.).

Stems up to 1 m, erect, forming dense patches. Prickles abundant and long on the main stems, sparser and shorter on the flowering stems and mixed with acicles. Leaflets 5-11, 5-15(-20) x 4-9 mm, glabrous, suborbicular to broadly elliptical, usually simply serrate and eglandular. Flowers solitary. Pedicels longer than the fruit, eglandular or with stalked glands. Sepals narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, eglandular. Petals 10-20(-25) mm, white, rarely pink. Styles short, usually in a compact head, lanate. Fruit c. 6 mm, globose or depressed-globose, black. 2n = 28. Europe except the north-east, \ most of Fennoscandia, the extreme south-west and many of the islands. A1 Au Be Br Bu Cz Da Ga Ge Gr Hb He Ho Hu Is It Ju No Po Rm Rs (C, W, K, E) fSu.

Many hybrids between 5 and members of Sect. Caninae have been described. The influence of 5 is usually recognizable in the presence of acicles and in the habit and leaflet-shape.