Workers and queens with ventral apex of gaster (hypopygium) produced into a conical structure terminating in a circular acidopore fringed with hairs. Petiole a large scale or distinct node. Gaster with 5 distinct tergites visible in dorsal view. Males have semi-erect hairs on dorsum of alitrunk.

Keys to genera of Formicinae

Workers and queens

1 Antennal insertions set at a distance behind posterior clypeal margin; metapleural gland orifice absent (Figs. 114,116)........... Camponotus Mayr (p. 86)

Antennal insertions more or less contiguous with posterior clypeal margin. Metapleural gland orifice present................................................................... 2

2(1) Antennae 11 segmented (Fig. 158)............................... Plagiolepis Mayr (p. 110)

Antennae 12 segmented................................................................................ 3

3 (2) Eyes at or in front of midlength of sides of head; petiole inclined forward, overhung by first gaster tergite (Fig. 156)........ Paratrechina Motschulsky (p. 108)

Eyes behind midlength of sides of head; petiole nodal or as a vertical scale not overhung by gaster........................................................................................ 4

4 (3) Mandibles falcate, pointed (Fig. 267)......................... Polyergus Latreille (p. 155)

Mandibles with broad masticatory border, coarsely dentate............................. 5

5 (4) Propodeal spiracle ellipsoid or slitlike set at a distance from posterior propodeal declivity. Funiculus segments 2-5 as long or longer than segments 6-10 (Figs. 159, 176).............................................................. Formica Linne (p. 111)

Propodeal spiracle circular or broadly oval set close to posterior margin of propodeum. Funiculus segments 2-5 shorter than segments 6-10 (Figs. 124, 135) Lasius Fabricius (p. 92)


1 Antennal insertions set at a distance behind posterior clypeal margin (Fig. 119) Camponotus Mayr (p. 86)

Antennal insertions set close to or at posterior clypeal margin.......................... 3

2 (1) Eyes set in front of or at midlength of sides ofhead. Gonopalpi absent Paratrechina Motschulsky (p. 108) Eyes set behind of sides of head. Gonopalpi present........................................ 3

3 (2) Antennae 12 segmented............................................. Plagiolepis Mayr (p. 110)

Antennae 13 segmented................................................................................ 4

4 (3) Mandibles very reduced, falcate. Antennal scapes shorter than first four follow- ing segments. Maxillary palps 4 segmented very reduced Polyergus Latreille (p. 155)

Mandibles broadening to apex. Antennal scapes longer than first five following segments. Maxillary palps 5-6 segmented....................................................... 5

5 (4) Propodeal spiracle narrowly elliptical, set well forward from the posterior propodeal margin (Fig. 192)........................................... Formica Linne (p. 111)

Propodeal spiracle broadly oval or circular, set close to or at the posterior propodeal margin (Fig. 129).......................................... Lasius Fabricius (p. 92)