Genus Monomorium Mayr, 1855
Monomorium Mayr, 1855:452.
Type-species: Monomorium minutum Mayr, 1855.
Worker. Head longer than broad, clypeus bicarinate. Palp formula 1:2 or 2:2. Antennae 11 or 12 segmented with distinct 3 segmented club as long as rest of funiculus - intermediate segments transverse. Mesopropodeal suture deeply marked; propodeum smoothly rounded, unarmed. Gaster basally emarginate with distinct anterior angles.
Queen. Head as in worker. Mesonotum long, overhanging pronotum. Wings with 1 cubital cell and no discoidal cell.
Male. Head in front of ocelli flat and broad; mandibles dentate. Antennae 13 segmented without distinct club; scape not as long as first 3 funicular segments. Mesonotum high, arched without notauli.
This is a worldwide genus with several hundred species mainly occurring in the tropics. There are several cosmopolitan tramp species one of which is well established in North Europe.