Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius, 1793)

Formica melanocephala Fabricius, 1793:353.

Worker. Distinctively bicoloured, head brown, alitrunk and gaster pale yellowish with variable brown patches; legs and antennae very pale. Prothorax laterally compressed, broadening anteriorly. Length: 1.5-2 mm.

Queen. Colour as worker. Alitrunk enlarged. Length: 2.5 mm.

Male. Head and dorsum of alitrunk dark, gaster pale with indefinite dark markings, wings and legs very pale. Length: 2.0 mm.

Biology. This is frequently introduced in plant material or produce from the tropics and has occasionally become established in heated or domestic premises in the British Isles. It is a very well known and widely distributed house pest in the tropics where it lives by scavenging.