This subfamily includes fifteen genera with the greatest number of species distributed through the tropics. The sting is vestigial or absent but many species have poison glands that excrete a repellent fluid through the anal orifice. The gaster has a reduced number of segments compared with Formicinae and Ponerinae of which four only are visible in dorsal view in the female castes and five in the males. Pupae are not protected by cocoons. The two genera treated here both belong in the tribe Tapinomini.

Keys to genera of Dolichoderinae

Queens and workers

1 Petiole scale well developed, not obscured by overhanging gaster; front border of clypeus convex and entire (Fig. 20)................................. Iridomyrmex Mayr (p. 33)

- Petiole a small node overhung by first gastral segment; front border of clypeus straight, incised or concave (Fig. 22)............................ Tapinoma Forster (p. 34)


1 Petiole scale well developed. Scape short, not reaching occipital margin Iridomyrmex Mayr (p. 33)

- Petiole a reduced node. Scape long, overreaching occipital margin Tapinoma Forster (p. 34)