Theridion sibiricum Marusik, 1988 *

Material examined: 5 ♀♀, [13] 43º52'N 134º17'E, Pravaya Izvilinka Riv, 2.08.1998, YM; 13 ♀♀,[09] env.ofAnisimovka Vill, 43º10'N 132º46'E, 24- 28.07.1998, YM.

COMMENTS. The first record in the province and the southernmost locality of the whole range. Earlier known from the Middle Urals [Esyunin & Efimik, 1996] to upper Kolyma and Kamchatka, to the south to Tuva and Mongolia [Marusik, 1988a; Marusik & Logunov, 1998; Logunov et al., 1998]. Within the entire range found only in screes and stony places.