Wubanoides fissus (Kulczynski, 1926) *

Material examined: 6 ♂ ♀, [14] Oblachnaya Mt, 1600—1750 m, 43º34'N 134º12'E, 3.08.1998, YM; 4 ♂ ♀, [09] env. of Anisimovka Vill. 43º10'N 132º46'E, 24- 28.07.1998, YM.

COMMENTS. The first record in the province and the southernmost point of distribution. Earlier known from Pu­ torana Plateau to the east to Chukotka Peninsula, to the south to Hokkaido [Eskov & Marusik, 1992]. In both localities cited above it was found on screes.