Atheta crenuliventris Bernhauer, 1907

(Figs. 88­100)

Atheta (s. str.) crenuliventris Bernhauer, 1907: 393.

Atheta (Hypatheta) crenuliventris: Fenyes, 1926: 207 (as valid species).

Atheta (Hypatheta) crenuliventris: Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 653 (as valid species). Atheta (s. str.) crenuliventris: Moore & Legner, 1975: 357 (as valid species).

Stethusa crenuliventris: Seevers, 1978: 267 (as valid species).

Dimetrota bradorensis Lohse in Lohse, Klimaszewski & Smetana, 1990: 179, syn. nov.

Type material. Lectotype of Atheta crenuliventris (here designated): ɗ, "E. Machias, June, Me.[Maine]", "June", white circle, " crenuliventris Brh. Typus " (yellow label), "Chicago NHMus. M.Bernhauer Collection" (FMNH). Paralectotype: ɗ, was mounted on the same card as the lectotype (FMNH). The female paralectotype of Atheta crenuliventris ("E. Machias, June, Me.[Maine]", "June", white circle, " crenuliventris Brh. Cotypus " (yellow label), "Chicago NHMus. M.Bernhauer Collection" (FMNH)) belongs to a different species (see Discussion).

Holotype of Dimetrota bradorensis: CANADA: Quebec: ɗ, Bradore Bay, 7.viii. 1930 (W.J.Brown) (CNCI). Paratypes: ɗ, Ψ, as the holotype (CNCI). An additional examined female paratype (CANADA: Quebec: Indian House Lake, 19.viii. 1954 (W.R.Richards)(CNCI)) is not conspecific with the lectotype of D. bradorensis (see Discussion).

Diagnosis. See Lohse et al. (1990) (Dimetrota bradorensis) and Figs. 88­100 in this paper.

Discussion. Although At. crenuliventris has relatively large eyes, it differs from Stethusa in having a narrow mesothoracic process, and a different shape of the aedeagus and the spermatheca. I place this species in Atheta pending further revision of that genus.

The holotype of D. bradorensis does not differ from the lectotype of At. crenuliventris in external characters and the shape of the aedeagus. I consider D. bradorensis to be a synonym of At. crenuliventris.

The female specimen included by Bernhauer in the type series of At. crenuliventris is similar in size to the two male types but differs in proportions of the antennal segments. In the males the antennal segment 4 is subquadrate while in the female specimen it is distinctly elongate. Besides, in the female paralectotype of At. crenuliventris the shape of the spermatheca is very different in comparison to the female paratype of D. bradorensis from the type locality of the latter species. Therefore, the female paralectotype of At. crenuliventris is not conspecific with the male types of that species, but belongs to the same group as the Palaearctic At. boleticola J.Sahlberg, 1876, and Nearctic At. oregonensis Bernhauer, 1909 (known from Oregon) and At. districta Casey, 1911 a (known from British Columbia).

The female paratype of D. bradorensis from Indian House Lake differs from the female paratype from the type locality in having slightly transverse antennal segment 10 and a different shape of the spermatheca. The Indian House Lake female is not conspecific with the holotype of D. bradorensis.

Distribution. Atheta crenuliventris is known from Maine and Quebec. Natural History. No information is available.