Diptilostatus Flechtmann n. g.

DIAGNOSIS ­ Body robust, spindleshaped; gnathosoma large, chelicera curved, abruptly bent down near base; empodium divided, shield tubercles present but scapular setae missing; tibia and femur I and genu and femur II setae missing. All coxal and opisthosomal ventral setae present.

The new genus is close to Pararhynacus Kuang, 1986, differing in the absence of tibia and genu I seta (both present in Pararhynacus).

Assignement: Eriophyoidea, Diptilomiopidae, Diptilomiopinae.

ETYMOLOGY ­ Diptilostatus is derived from the subfamily name plus status, Latin, condition, status, that is, pertaining to that subfamily. Masculine.

Type species: Diptilostatus nudipalpus Flechtmann n.sp.