Autolytus smittiae Malaquin, 1893

Autolytus smittiae Malaquin, 1893: 81, pl. 11, fig. 15, 16; Fauvel 1923: 321, fig. 123 L; Hartmann­ Schröder 1971: 178.

Description. Types do not exist. Autolytus smittiae is described as follows: length 15–20 mm for 120 segments, colour intense red, unequal short cirri, 4 aciculae in anterior chaetigers, ordinary chaetae, convoluted pharynx, trepan with 32 teeth, proventricle with 35 rows of muscle cells, anal cirri voluminous.

Habitat. Found together with the red bryozoan S mittia landsbrownii.

Distribution. North East Atlantic.

Remarks. Malaquin's species is dubious, and it has never been recaptured. The characteristic red colour probably comes from its food source, in this case Smittia landsbrownii, and other characters are too general for A. smittiae to be separated from other taxa.