Heterotrissocladius subpilosus (Kieffer)

Orthocladius cinereipennis Lundström, 1915: 9, syn. n.

Dactylocladius subpilosus Kieffer in Kieffer & Lundbeck, 1911: 273? Orthocladius cinereipennis Lundström, 1910: 9.

Material examined. RUSSIA: New Siberian Islands, north coast, west of Cap Wosnessenje, 1 ɗ, 1 ɗ hypopygium, 1 Ψ, 16 (3) vii 1902, A. A. Birula.

Heterotrissocladius subpilosus has been redescribed by Saether (1975: 11). The type of Orthocladius cinereipennis Lundström, 1910, has not been examined. If it should turn out to be conspecific with H. subpilosus, and thus a senior synonym, a proposal for rejection of O. cinereipennis should be made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. H. subpilosus is such an important name in lake typology and in the history of chironomidology that it should be preserved.