Myrsidea cinnamomei Dalgleish and Price, new species (Figs. 1–4)

Type host. Pachyramphus cinnamomeus Lawrence, Cinnamon Becard.

Male. As in Fig. 1. Metanotal margin with 12–13 setae. Tergal setae: I–V, 15–16; VI, 11–13; VII, 10–11; VIII, 7–8. Postspiracular setae very long on I–II, IV, and VII–VIII, much shorter on III and V–VI. Sternal setae: II, 22–24; III, 17–19; IV–V, 30–35; VI, 26– 30; VII, 18; VIII of subgenital plate, 6; remainder of plate as in Fig. 1. Genital sac sclerites as in Fig. 3. Dimensions: TW, 0.42–0.43; HL, 0.29–0.30; PW, 0.27; MW, 0.37–0.38; AWIV, 0.45; GL, 0.42–0.46; TL, 1.25–1.31.

Female. Head as for male (Fig. 1), thorax and abdomen as in Fig. 4. Metanotal margin with 12–15 setae. Tergite I with medioposterior broadly rounded prolongation, compressing tergites II–III. Tergal setae: I, 15–19; II, 16–18; III–IV, 14–18; V, 12–16; VI, 9–13; VII, 8–10; VIII, 7–8. Postspiracular setae as for male. Posterior marginal setae on IX as in Fig. 4. Sternal setae on II, 21–26; III, 16–22; IV, 30–38; V, 37–44; VI, 25–35; VII of subgenital plate, 14–19; remainder of plate with 11–14 marginal, 8–13 anterior setae. Anus with 32–38 ventral fringe setae, 33–41 dorsal. Dimensions: TW, 0.46–0.47; HL, 0.30– 0.32; PW, 0.28–0.30; MW, 0.43–0.46; AWIV, 0.55–0.59; ANW, 0.22–0.25; TL, 1.48–1.55.

Type material. Female holotype, ex P. cinnamomeus, COSTA RICA: Limon, 10 km. E Puerto Viego, Punta Cocles Hotel, 24–25 April 1992, R. L. Fisher­ 214. Paratypes, 4 females, 2 males, same data as holotype; 1 female paratype, same except La Selva Biological Station, 11–14 June 1993, R. L. Fisher­ 388.

Remarks. This species is characterized by the smaller dimensions of the head and thorax, the smaller number of setae on the abdomen of both sexes, and the female with the highly modified anterior abdominal tergites.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the species of the type host.