Scatella tenuicosta Collin

(Figs. 30–38)

Scatella (Scatella) tenuicosta Collin, 1930: 136. Type locality: Great Britain. Scatella (Scatella) thermarum Collin, 1930: 138. Type locality: Iceland.

Diagnosis. Oral seta longer than width of antennal segment 3. Eye­to­cheek ratio, male 1: 0.26. Fore femur with row of pv nearly as long as width of fore femur. Wing dark brown with five distinct hyaline spots, spots located cell R 4 + 5 near tip of wing like the body of a violin, veins near spots bent. Cercus thick and short, surstylus without inner incision at tip in posterior view; ventral receptacle large, tube­like, about 3.0 times as long as wide.

Description. Male body length 1.9 mm, wing length 2.1 mm.

Head subshiny black, with thin rusty pollen; mesofrons nearly polished with reddish brown pollen. Setulae and setae on head black; 1 outer vt as long as 1 inner vt; 1 pair of strong oc; 4 lateroclinate orb, the first and the third thin and short. Protruding face black with rusty pollen, with 2 long dorsoclinate facial setae on each side. Vibrissa very strong. Oral seta longer than width of antennal segment 3. Antenna black; arista short pubescent. Eye­to­cheek ratio, male 1: 0.26.

Thorax subshining black; mesonotum reddish brown microtomentose. Setulae and setae on thorax black. Pres dc short; no posts acr, a pair of strong acr just in front of suture; 2–3 humeral setae; anterior npl longer than posterior npl; 1 psa longer than sa; scutellum with 2 pairs of sc, lateral sc short; mesopleuron with 1 long seta; sternopleuron with 1 strong seta on upper portion. Legs subshiny black with grey pollen; tarsi brown. Setulae and setae on leg black. Fore femur with row of pv as long as width of fore femur. Wing dark brown with five distinct hyaline spots, spots located cell R 4 + 5 near tip of wing like the body of a violin, veins near spots bent, first costal section moderately stout in male. Halter yellowish.

Abdomen subshining black with rusty pollen.

Male genitalia (Figs. 31–36). Cercus thick and short; surstylus without inner incision at tip in posterior view; gonite narrow at base; phallapodeme relatively short and thick.

Female. Body length 2.1 mm, wing length 2.3 mm. Female genitalia (Figs. 37–38). Ventral receptacle large, tube­like, about 3.0 times as long as wide.

Specimens examined. 2 males, Beijing: Xiangshan, Botanical Park, 10. 0 9. 1998, leg. Ding Yang; 2 males, Beijing: Xiangshan, Botanical Park, 22. 0 9. 1998, leg. Xueyou Hu; 5 males, Hebei: Qinhuangdao, 16. 0 8. 2004, leg. Xingyue Liu; 5 females, Hebei: Qinhuangdao, 16. 0 8. 2004, leg. Xingyue Liu; 2 females, Shangdong: Yantai, Kunyushan, 28. 0 6. 2004, leg. Hui Dong; 2 males, Yunnan: Mengla, 0 8. 0 3. 1999, leg. Ding Yang; 2 males,Yunnan: Lancangjiang, 11. 0 3. 1999, leg. Ding Yang.

Distribution. China (Beijing, Hebei, Shangdong, Yunnan). Austria, Azores, Bulgaria, Canary Island, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, and Yugoslavia.

Remarks. This species was redescribed by Olafsson (1991) in details with figurations of the male genitalia. It is recorded from China for the first time.