Camponotus xanthopilus new species (Figs 27–29)

Diagnosis. Dorsum of head with very fine leather­like sculpturing and relatively shiny; enlarged hairs absent from pronotum (but thin erect hairs present); entire dorsal surface of gaster covered with enlarged pale yellow hairs.

Description (minor worker, damaged, with cracked pronotum). Posterolateral surface of head rounding gradually from the dorsal to lateral surfaces, the posteroventral surface very weakly concave. Petiolar node forming tapering dorsally into a blunt angle. Individual erect hairs scattered on dorsum of mesosoma, petiole and gaster; enlarged yellow hairs present on dorsal surface of first three gastral tergites; pubescence thin and sparse across entire body. Colour black, legs and gaster dark red­black.

Description (major worker). Differing from minor worker in the typically broader head and more abundant hairs. Other characters as in minor worker.

Measurements. Minor worker (n= 1, paratype): CI 95, HL 2.00mm, HW 1.89mm, ML 2.89mm, MTL 2.05mm, SI 124, SL 2.35mm. Major worker (n= 1, holotype): CI 100, HL 2.31mm, HW 2.33mm, ML 2.97mm, MTL 2.04mm, SI 95, SL 2.21mm.

Material Examined. Holotype and paratype worker from Managalase area, 2500– 3000ft., Northern District, Papua New Guinea, August 1965, R. Pullen (ANIC).

Comments. This species is known from a single collection of two workers. It was collected at a relatively high elevation in the same general area as C. mussolinii.