Sphaeriestes virescens (LeConte, 1850)

NOVA SCOTIA: Colchester Co.: Bible Hill, 8 July 2004, K.R. Aikens, pasture, CBU; Cumberland Co.: Oxford, 26 July 1988, E. Georgeson, u/v light trap, NSNR; Oxford, 11 August 1988, E. Georgeson, u/v light trap, NSNR; Oxford, 12 August 1988, E. Georgeson, u/v light trap, NSNR; Halifax Co.: Halifax, June 1897, J.D. Evans, Evans (1899).

This species was recorded in Nova Scotia by Evans (1899), however, this record appears to have escaped the attention subsequent authors including Campbell (1991 e). This record and others (above) establish its presence in Nova Scotia (Fig. 6). In Canada recorded from the Yukon and Northwest Territories east to New Brunswick, and in Newfoundland and Labrador (Campbell 1991 e); in the United States known from Maine (Chandler 2001) south to New York, and west to Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota (Downie & Arnett 1996). Associated with pine (Pinus spp.) (Downie & Arnett 1996); detailed bionomics are unknown.