Deima validum validum Théel, 1879

(Fig. 4)

Deima validum Théel, 1879: 5, figs 36–38

Deima validum validum. Hansen, 1975: 17 –23, fig. 1, pls 11 (fig. 1), 13 (figs 1–2), [synonymy] Deima fastosum Théel, 1879: 5 –6, figs 1–3

Deima blakei Théel, 1886 b: 1 –2, figs 1–2

Deima atlanticum Hérouard, 1898: 88 –89, figs 1–2

Deima mosaicum Ohshima, 1915: 233 –234

Material. M 48 / 1­333: 1 specimen (ZSM 20043072). M 48 / 1­339: 1 specimen (ZSM 20020018). M 48 / 1­343: 1 specimen (ZSM 20043071).

Remarks. The taxonomy, morphology and distribution of this subspecies has been described in detail by Hansen (1975). It is characterised by: 10–13 pairs of ventro­lateral tube feet in single rows; mid­ventral tube feet absent or rarely represented by a reduced pre­anal pair; dorsal papillae 5–10 pairs; ventro­lateral papillae 3–7 pairs; calcareous deposits are perforated plates, usually large and multilayered; dorsal plates 1.5 –7.0 mm in diameter, ventral plates 0.5 –4.0 mm. The investigated specimens fit with this diagnosis. The largest specimen (86 mm in length) has a single (?) small pre­anal tube foot, while there are no pre­anal tube feet present in the other specimens. This is the second record of this species for the South Atlantic Ocean and the known depth­range is increased from 4820 m to more than 5400 m.

Distribution. (Fig. 4) This subspecies probably has a cosmopolitan distribution, except for the Arctic and Southern Ocean, 724–5426 m (Deichmann 1940; Grieg 1921; Hansen 1975; Hérouard 1902, 1923; IFREMER BIOCEAN; Koehler & Vaney 1905; Ohshima 1915; O'Loughlin 1998; Sibuet 1977; Sluiter 1901; Théel 1882, 1886b; herein).