Apamea commixta (Butler, 1881)

(Figs 2, 5, 7)

Xylophasia commixta Butler, 1881. Trans. ent. Soc. London. 1881: 174 (Type locality: Japan, Yokohama, Tokyo).

Xylophasia tychoona Leech, 1889. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1889: 488, Pl. 51: 3, (Type locality: not stated [Japan]).

Hampson, 1908: 178, pl. CXII: 16 (Trachea commixta); Warren, 1914: 169, Taf. 40 e (Parastichtis commixta); Inoue & Sugi, 1958: 491 (Apamea commixta); Sugi, 1982; 1989: 1055 (Apamea commixta).

This little known species is distributed in Japan (Hokkaido and Honshu Isl.) (Inoue and Sugi 1958; Sugi 1989), South Kurile Island (Kunashir and Iturup), and South Sakhalin (Kononenko 2005). The type specimens of Xylophasia commixta Butler and Xylophasia tychoona Leech are illustrated by Krusek & Behounek (1996). The imago and male genitalia of A. commixta are illustrated by Sugi (1982). The species inhabits grassy meadows and low grassland hills along the seashore (Marusik, pers. comm.).

Material examined. 3 males: Japan, Japanese Alps, 4 Aug 1914 (H. Höne); 3 males, Japan, Kamikoshi, 1600 m, Japanese Alps, Aug 1914 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1830 VK.; 1 female, Japan, Yokohama, 2 Aug 1937 (H. Höne), genit. prep. VSK 10 / 050698, ZFMK; 3 males and 1 female, Russia, Kurile Isl., Iturup I., 45 ° 20 ' N, 147 ° 59 ' 8 " E, Konservnaya Bay, 12–16 Aug 1995 (Yu. Marusik); 2 males, Russia, Kunashir Isl., SW of Yuznokurilsk, Lesnaya River, 44 ° 00' 72 " N, 145 ° 46 ' 28 " E, 1 Sep 1995 (Yu. Marusik), IBSS; 2 females, Russia, South Sakhalin, 25 km NE Aniva, 10–18 Aug 1985 (A. Danchenko), ZFMK.