Enoplognatha intrepida (Sørensen 1898)

Material examined.— Canada: Québec: Abitibi­Ouest: Duparquet Lake [48 ° 30 ’N, 79 ° 13 ’W] 05.– 12.vi. 1994, Malaise/flight interception trap (pan) in White cedar/Balsam fir forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi­Ouest: Duparquet Lake [48 ° 30 ’N, 79 ° 13 ’W] 12.– 19.vi. 1994, Malaise/flight interception trap (pan) in mixed forest, 3 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi­Ouest: Duparquet Lake [48 ° 30 ’N, 79 ° 13 ’W] 24.vii. 1996, beating White cedar/Balsam fir forest, 1 Ψ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): Villebois [49 °01’N, 79 °08’W] 15.– 22.vi. 1997, flight interception trap in mature Black spruce forest, 1 Ψ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): 87 km N LaSarre [49 ° 32 ’N, 79 ° 20 ’W] 22.– 29.vi. 1997, Malaise/flight interception trap (pan) in old growth Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): 98 km N LaSarre [49 ° 37 ’N, 79 ° 17 ’W] 22.– 29.vi. 1997, flight interception trap in mature Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): 122 km NNE LaSarre [49 ° 48 ’N, 78 ° 54 ’W] 15.– 22.vi. 1997, flight interception trap in mature Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­ James (Jamésie): 119 km N LaSarre [49 ° 49 ’N, 79 °01’W] 06.– 15.vi. 1997, Malaise/flight interception trap (pan) in mature Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): 119 km NNE LaSarre [49 ° 49 ’N, 79 °00’W] 06.– 15.vi. 1997, flight interception trap in mature Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­ James (Jamésie): 128 km NNE LaSarre [49 ° 50 ’N, 78 ° 41 ’W] 29.vi.–06.vii. 1997, flight interception trap in old growth Black spruce forest, 1 Ψ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Baie­James (Jamésie): 131 km NNE LaSarre [49 ° 51 ’N, 78 ° 38 ’W] 22.– 29.vi. 1997, flight interception trap in old growth Black spruce forest, 1 ɗ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD).

Diagnosis.— Males are characterised by the shape of the distal portion of the radix, and the large tegulum. Females are characterised by oval spermathecae and an inconspicuous atrium.

Distribution.— Greenland, widespread in Canada, from Alaska to Nova Scotia. The distribution of the species fits the boreal with southern extension category proposed by LeSage & Paquin (2001).

Remark.— The occurrence of the species was suspected by Paquin & Dupérré (2003, figs 2407–2408). The present records suggest that the species has an affinity for conifer forests.