Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptosternum gracile Günther 1864: 186. Type locality: Nepal. Holotype: BMNH 1845.1.9.846.
Glyptothorax dakpathari Tilak & Husain 1976: 229, figs. 1-8. Type locality: Yamuna River, below Barrage [Ganges drainage], Dakpathar, District Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, India. Holotype: NRS (ZSI) V-988. Paratypes: NRS (ZSI) V-989 (2), V-990 (4). Tentatively considered a synonym of Glyptothorax gracilis by Ng (2005a).
Distribution: Ganges and Brahmaputra drainages, India and Nepal (Tilak & Hussain, 1973; Jayaram, 1999; Menon, 1999; Karmakar, 2000; Ng, 2005a).