Phyllobaenus verticalis (Say, 1835)

NOVA SCOTIA: Kings Co.: Canard, 24.vii. 1956 & 10.vii. 1959, H.T. Stultz, (3), ACNS; Canard, 5.iii. 1959, H.T. Stultz, emerged, ACNS; Coldbrook, 21.viii. 1956, C.D. Dondale, ACNS; Nictaux, 8.vii. 1946, H.T. Stultz, ACNS; Lunenburg Co.: Bridgewater, 1965, B. Wright, (4), NSMC; Pictou Co.: Salt Springs, 16.vii. 2002, C.G. Majka, along river, CGMC. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Kings Co.: Woodville Mills, 2003, C.G. Majka, shore of pond, (2), CGMC; Queens Co.: Millvale, 13.vii. 2002, C.G. Majka, brackish marsh, CGMC.

Newly recorded in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Scattered records from across the region except for Cape Breton Island (Figure 3). Several records from wet habitats. Knull (1951) records it on dead bittersweet (Celastrus scandens L.) (Celastraceae) infested with cerambycid larvae; grape (Vitis) (Vitaceae) infested with Phymatodes amoenus (Say) (Cerambycidae); birch (Betula) (Betulaceae ) infested with Agrilus betulae Fisher (Buprestidae); linden (Tilia) (Tiliaceae) infested with Eupogonius pubescens LeConte and Grammoptera exigua (Newman) (Cerambycidae); black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) infested with Agrilus geminatus (Say); and on hickory (Carya) ( Juglandaceae) infested with wood-borers. Also recorded from a cynipid gall on white oak (Quercus alba L.).