(Fig. 2 B and D)
Description. Male. Body length 2.8–3.1 mm. Head. Antennal flagellum with short non-socketed setae intermingled with a few sensory spines; longest setae as long as half flagellomere width. First flagellomere twice as long as wide (Fig. 2 B). Fourth flagellomere 1.3 times as long as wide (Fig. 2 B). Maxillary palpus 5 -segmented; third segment thickest, stout, 1.6 times as long as second segment, bearing a very few short hyaline sensilla apart from ordinary setae elsewhere; fourth and fifth segments elongate cylindrical, fifth segment 1.6 times as long as fourth segment.
Thorax. Anepisternum with 4 (holotype), 8 or 12 (paratypes) setae in upper portion, other pleura non-setose. Legs. Antero-apical depression of fore tibia with distinct semicircular rim, bearing some 15 non-socketed, stiff setae scattered rather than ordered in lines. Wing. Length 2.7 mm. Venation similar to hybrida, but Sc entering C shortly before level of ta.
Terminalia. Fig. 2 D. Width at base of gonostylus tooth 0.4 times the length. Otherwise similar to hybrida.
Female. Unknown.
Discussion. We do not assign similis to any subgenus for the same reasons as explained under hybrida. These two species are very similar and apparently closely related. Compared with hybrida, the gonostylus body in similis is somewhat broader basally and the apical tooth is thicker. The first antennal flagellomere is shorter in similis than in hybrida. The third palpus segment is thickened in similis, while it is not so in hybrida. Setae of the fore tibial anteroapical depression are scattered in similis, while they are partly arranged in a line in hybrida.
Etymology. From Latin, similis, similar, referring to the similarity to hybrida.
Types. Holotype. Male (on slide). Costa Rica, Cartago province, Parque Nacional Tapantí-Macizo de la Muerte, Estación La Esperanza, alt. 2200-2600 m, 3–22 Nov. 2003, by Malaise trap, M. & C. Jaschhof. Paratypes. 1 male (in ethanol), same data as the holotype; 1 male (in ethanol), Puntarenas province, Parque Internacional La Amistad, Estación Altamira, Cerro Biolley, alt. 1700 m, 11 June– 11 July 2001, by Malaise trap, D. Rubí (INBio sample # 64127 B).